Sorry, one more

Hi again all flash pros!

THere is this site that: i found.

I saw really cool effects there.

My question is. u know how the line bar moves around like a scanner, and the images just come out? Then it closes like a door…I hope you guys are understanding me…but how would I do something like that?


I tried entering the site, but got a 401 error. If you’re talking about something in the intro scene that plays, then it’s just a combination of tweens and masks which produce those effects.

So it’s really that easy to do…darn…here i am trying to code it out…or figure a simplier way of doing it…

How about the part where that bar goes over a picture and that picture disappears? Is that masking too?


Yep, that whole intro is Photoshop images+masking+tweens :slight_smile:

hehe THanks!!