Another preloader question

ive just finished some preloader tutorials and im confused. everything is working fine.
but theres this problem, when i import .swf file to the 3rd frame nothing happens. i mean i got that swf, but he aint even working.
when i type double ctrl+enter theres clean screen, without any writtings and then that dead .swf appears after a while.
when i put some stupid image it works just fine.
help ?

to test your preloader try hitting ctl-enter once and then going into that windows menu, View-show streaming,

this will show the streaming as it was on the internet based on the setting under the debug menu on that same window.

about your problem could you post your fla, dont really understand what the problem is. :smirk:

i bet my fla file wont help a bit, cause its exactly what i did in this tutorial : preloader.
on the 3rd frame of layers actions as its said i put something, but if i put some swf file it crashes. i dont have a clue right now, how to make a preloader that will get my swf file

dont worry post the fla, easier if i check it out

i dont know how ;/

when you post a message there is a section under where you type , which is called Attach file, click browse and then from there a open dialog box will open, search for your fla in your computer and then select open, now after you do that press submit reply

duuh, the file is too big ;/

im quite tired right now … first i tried to add it on my page, next i added it do rar, then i had to make it zip and right now its still to big.

im tired, cause i got whole page finished and i have to mess with that preloader.

i dont understand what you mean by putting a swf file in the 3rd frame?? are you loading a external swf?

what you should have is the start of your animation at frame 3, because the preloader will go to that frame when it finished loading.

hehe, dont mind right now, i did it. i tried to do some tupid thing and it worked out. didnt know its so easy … i mean the answer was so stupid i didnt figure it out. anyways thx for your concern

what did you do to fix it?