I viewed my preloader but the frame 3 just loads without showing preloader… is it because my files small or somethings wrong?
if you view the swf, and you press ctrl + enter you shoudl be able to view the pre loader if its working properly
oops forgot to attach my file
[edit] ahhh it wont let me attach it… [/edit]
*Originally posted by Cheez00 *
**if you view the swf, and you press ctrl + enter you shoudl be able to view the pre loader if its working properly **
What he said.
If you are viewing the file on your computer locally, then the preloader will not show. You will have to preview it in Flash and press CTRL+Enter twice to enter Show Streaming mode. This will allow Flash to act as though it were a slow modem viewing the file off of a server. You will be able to see your preloader then.
If it still skips it, then another guess of mine is that you have so little content that it loads so fast your preloader gets skipped over.
I know that tutorial works, it is tried tested and true. So if it doesn’t work, it is an error on your part :sure:
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**What he said.
I know that tutorial works, it is tried tested and true. So if it doesn’t work, it is an error on your part :sure: **
i never doubted your tutorial i did try ctrl+ enter but it still skips… im going to load it with a music file and post it on line and view it on my brothers comp
if you load a full .mp3 file in, you can CTRL+Enter it twice and it will work fine on your comp.
That is how I test my files all the time
i kno this isn’t related to this topic but since i have your attention right now… hehe can you view my fla… im trying to get that blink effect some sites applied when their sites loading…
loading mp3 file right now
kimda like www.pixelranger.com
is it : you mask the object you want the blink… with a white rectangle… and just lower its alpha?
Your approach was wrong.
Just have empty frames. Right click on every other frame and choose “insert keyframe” The go back, and in all the frames that contain a tiny white rectangle right click on and choose “Convert to blank keyframe” or “insert blank keyframe” It will then clear that frame.
Hense leaving you with…
object - blank - object - blank - object
Which is blinking.
actually thats not the effect i want… if you see pixelranger… when its little content boxes load… theres a white block then it fades away… is that effect done by just decreasing alpha one frame after one?
Oh, well in that case. Just do a motion tween with the last keyframe being at alpha 0.
heres my preloader try
Alright man, its 3:45am here. I am off to bed. Goodnight :sleep:
it wont let me attach my preloader file
good night
Your file might be to big. If you have a server to upload to, then upload it and link to it.
heres my try… download it and see if i have everything right… thanx
You must be on a Mac. I am getting a Unexpected File Error.
Try putting it in a .zip file, it should work then (has in the past at least).
i dont have mac… but i just posted my fla file on a server…
hope this works
Of course it works. All you have to take up space is a red vector block created in Flash, so of course with such little content it just skips right over the preloader.
I added in a sound file and it worked great… EXCEPT!!! You must of forgotten to read the explanation of code because you change the width to 120, but you didn’t change that in the script…
[AS]this.loadBar._width = getPercent*100;[/AS]
Should be
[AS]this.loadBar._width = getPercent*120;[/AS]
That is all.
okie dokie thanx lost