Hi there,
Ive searched hours on this forum for some custom scrollbar that suits my needs.
After a while, I found something perfect for my usage (on Flashkit <–sry 'bout that), but I cant get it to work properly. :h:
Well the actual scrollbar works like a glove, but should be referenced to a external CSS-file. And there comes my problem…Im not a scripter/programmer, but in the source I found the link to the external CSS-file, but it isnt “linking”.
Im pretty aware, that this could be a newb-question, but this is exactly what I searched for, and want it to work correctly (also for later usage).
First of all: I didnt create this…Madzigian did, so the credits must go to him on this one!
[Here](http://www.d-fault.nl/scrollbar/madzigians example.zip) is the link…
Thnx in advance and thnx for reading! (-:
[COLOR=black]EDIT: (Its solved) Add line “holder.my_txt.styleSheet = styles;”[/COLOR]