Another small problem :)

Hey people,

  I've been posting quite frequently the past week or so.  I have a movie clip that is duplicated on the stage a bunch of times, and when you roll over one of them, the movie clip gets bigger and overlaps the other duplicates.  My issue is that at the moment, they don't overlap the other duplicates, they under-lap them (is that a word?).  How can I get them to, when rolled over, be on top.  I think getnexthighestdepth or swap depths could work.  here's my code:

    for (var i = 0; i<rows; i++) {
        var thematrix = smile.duplicateMovieClip("smile"+i, i);

        //var images = thematrix.createEmptyMovieClip("image"+i, i);

        var imageHolder = thematrix.image_mc;
        var info = thematrix.txt_mc;
        picHolder = this.firstChild.childNodes*;
        info.txt.text = picHolder.attributes.title;

        //images.loadMovie(picHolder.attributes.thmb, 0);

        thematrix._x = xpos+(wclip+hspace)*(i%columns);
        thematrix._y = ypos+(hclip+vspace)*Math.floor(i/columns);

            //thematrix.images._visible = false;
            //_root.swapper += 1000;

            this.image_mc._xscale += 1000;
            this.image_mc._yscale += 1000;
            this.image_mc.xpos = 1000;

            //thematrix._xscale -= 20;
            //thematrix._yscale -= 20;
            //this.image._xscale -= 20;
            //this.image._yscale -= 20;

            this.image_mc._xscale -= 1000;
            this.image_mc._yscale -= 1000;
            this.image_mc.xpos -= 1000;


        } =;
        thematrix.onRelease = function(){
            getURL(, "_blank");

Thank you very very very much for any help I receive.