Another tile-based drawing thingie =)

!@*&, who’s now banned, saw my footer and suggested making a similar thing where you can draw different ‘frames’ using the same method and make little animations…

I worked on it this weekend, it turned kind of nice :slight_smile:

rollover the buttons below the grid to know what each of them does :nerd:

all comments are welcome… oh… and let me know of any bugs :beam:

note: it might be a bit too processor intensive on older machines

i found it first :beam:
thats really nice ahmed

wow, that’s very cool. Next you need to make one with colors too :).

haha yeah… i might do that as well when i get some more free time :slight_smile:

Hey, i recommended the color thing like 18000 or so years ago

lol… i actually have that for another thing (the footer i told you about)

man thats cool! my only recomendation is that you can remove or restet the whole thing or remove frames

That looks really good - though I agree it would be a nice extra touch if you could remove frames, as Mdipi suggested. :slight_smile: But we could just be being picky. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha i think being picky is a good thing :stuck_out_tongue: it’s a good idea though… :slight_smile:

i added that… press the delete button on your keyboard ro reset it :slight_smile: