Another weird thing

ehh…? :-\


The final frontier.

planets? that is not so weird…the tv lines look weird…but it looks pretty cool ps7??

Yeah all PS7…

except for a small pic of 2 girls from my school (no kidding!!)

used them to portray the landscape like stuff on the “planets”…

oh very cool! You used the same techinque you used to create the green ball-like thing you posted earlier?
Very cool! never thought of making planets in ps!
very cool!:o :beam: :smirk: :wink: (-: =)

planets in PS are very common Syko… C:-)

anyways, the stars look a bit fake, but the duplicate earths look nice but one thing you said confuses me…

except for a small pic of 2 girls from my school (no kidding!!)

where are the chicks??:beam:

not sure, but I think they are the “Land masses”

theya re the matrial on the planets! For example the face is like an island or sth! Just a bit distorted n’ stuff!

yep :beam:

I used (to some extent): Clouds filter, radial blurring (both zoom and rotate), gauss blur, bass relief, chrome, hue/*sat layers (a lot!!), polar coordinates, overlay layers, displacement filters, ripple filter… a few more I can’t remember the name of right now…

All in all about 20 layers…

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**yep :beam:

I used (to some extent): Clouds filter, radial blurring (both zoom and rotate), gauss blur, bass relief, chrome, hue/*sat layers (a lot!!), polar coordinates, overlay layers, displacement filters, ripple filter… a few more I can’t remember the name of right now…

All in all about 20 layers… **

** HOLY SH*T**

I like messing around in photoshop =)

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**I like messing around in photoshop =) **

Pretty cool image Eilsoe, I like messing with PS too. Next to flash, it’s my next favorite program. =)

I’m sulking in a corner because I’m jealous. :slight_smile:

Aww come on Kit, I bet U can make something similar in flash :wink:

But I don’t have a picture of a couple of birds to make mine with. :slight_smile:

Go take a few snapshots of yerself :wink:


You’ve got an answer for everything, young man… :slight_smile:

of course :beam:

I’m sure i’m not the only one who want’s to see the full you :slight_smile:

Doesn’t matter if it’s part of a planet thingy :slight_smile: