I have been trying to make it, but i just can’t, does anyone know how to do it?
In space that is
this is a really tough feet. you really have to work at it, i know for water use the Plastic wrap filter…if you have 3Ds max this will go by like 100 times faster…
cybergold, maybe this tutorial will help you. It shows you how to make exactly what you want. =)
man how do u always find these tutorials
*Originally posted by kei *
**man how do u always find these tutorials**
hahah I get them from my best friend Google. =)
lol…=) i love google, i even got the toolbar!
Great! Thanks for the help, that was a great tutorial. Greatly Appreciate it
no problem, post your work when you’re done. =)
Almost half a year later, and i’m done :beam:. Never leave a project unfinished =)
wow, that come out really good
I don’t really like the lens flare and the ringy thing around the earth
other than that, it looks really nice
looks a little odd, the lighting is falling on the earth from the front when the sun is on the left and a little behind:sigh:
Also look at the continents, they stick out. Lots of tweaking left.(i don’t know how to fix them, could use texturing… don’t know how :))
Look at the Clouds, the tutorial was made for PS 6, and didn’t mention any drop shadow, so i used the Drop Shadow in the blending options and it came out great! :thumb:
No moon (-:
thanks xxviii, i know what you mean about the lens flare :sigh: The ring was supposed to be the atmosphere, I should have used the Outer Glow blending option. PS 6 Tutorials… :sigh:
hmm, let me try an inner and outer glow for the earth atmosphere, be right back…:bounce:
Cybergold nice image dude… I have this thing for space… I love it
I kinda like the flare though… gives it a realistic feel when used in moderation …click my footer watch the video…
Thanks. It was from that great tutorial ElectronGeek Found. Thanks Electron, really good tut! :thumb:
oh yeah, the inner/outer glow looks the exact same as that ring
if you are lazy, on the other hand, Flaming Pear provides a nice planet simulator - but i dont think you can make earth continent shapes…
anyway it’s called Lunar Cell…
>>> found some pics: http://www.flamingpear.com/gallery21.html
Cybergold, wow! and gp what did you do that in!?
I used lightwave… that animation is about 3 years old… I need to update it
or do another on like it… Mlkdesign, who did that image that is great…you can see the meteor impacts on the earth surface …that is way-cool