Anti virus software

sup sup ppls

my? is, whats the best outthere.

im currently using nortons avs and also im using AVG but AVG for some reason detects things that norton doesnt but doesnt clean anything up. it just lets me know theres something there and then leaves it there

so is there anything better than these 2

It is all a matter of preference. No one AV software is going to catch everything. We use Mcafee Virus Scan 7 here at work and it seems to do a pretty good job. I have heard that NAV works well to.




any other good ones out there

what about bulguard ? it have everything, but I never used it ;(

i love NAV. i gotta get the new one though. otherwise mcAffe.

yeah, go with norton. i had Mcaffe, and it completely screwed up and slowed down my computer. i love norton, I recommend it.

I use Norton 2003.
No complain till now.

I use PcCillin and NAV 2003. PcCillin has detected ten times more viruses than NAV.

Hmmm good to know that Voetsjoeba. I think i have PcCillin too.
Gotta check that.

I used to use NAV, but I found it to expensive to keep buying each year - it added up quickly. So I started to use AVG, I like it more because:

  1. Its free

  2. It catches just about everything. (You say yours doesn’t delete it? what you need to do is, when you find something, that DOS screen pops up, select heal, then run a custom search in the folder its in, and when the search is over, AVG does the rest by quarentining (is that how you spell it?) it and healing it)

PcCillin? that sounds familiar, I should check it out.

do u get AVG with firewall ?

Norton is good, exept those “Update your virus definitions” window that always popups when your playing games :frowning:

I use Norton AV 2003 as well, and I have had no problems at all without. Yeah - the Virus Update during games is annoying, but you can disable that :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Blastboy *
**do u get AVG with firewall ? **

no, I downloaded it seperately from their site. let me see if I can find it.

well i see no ‘heal’ option when it detects a virus.

umm, so far its found a few that still reside in my computer that nav hast even thought of. so ill use two for now. i like the gui in nav. more user friendly. lemme do a scan again and see if i missed the ‘heal’ thingy

we’ve always used Norton’s at the computer shop i work at…i like it better than anything else…norton’s all the way! is a good free scan

btw, you don’t have to keep buying the updates to NAV each year…you can download the antivirus definitions for free of the symantec website and then install them ( ) the only catch is, you’ll have to roll back your system clock (the one in the bottom right hand corner of your taskbar) to last year so you can install them…i don’t think there should be any problem with giving this type of advice, just a nifty trick i picked up…i’ll remove it if any of you mods want me too :slight_smile:


You say you have no HEAL button, what version do you have? I have 6 (I believe there is a 7th now)

its 6.0