Any Actionscript gamblers out there?

Ok I’m trying to make a black jack game with action script.
I have some dynamic text fields setup as “cards” the person clicks the “deal” button and a random number between 2-10 (I’m planning on getting into the whole Ace = 1 or 11 later) is generated in the *first 2 “cards”.

*Prob #1- How do I disable the deal button, the way the game works the person could hit “deal” over and over and get it to constantly generate new numbers

The 3rd text field reacts to the “hit” button and again randomly generates between 2-10.

*Prob #2 - How do I setup a script to calculate when the person has gone over 21. I made a math game a while back that had an input text field. If the person entered the correct answer to the equation (ie: 2+2 = _) the words “correct” would appear in an answer text box.

code was something like :

if anstxt == (numb1 + numb2)
ansbox = “correct”;


ansbox = “wrong”;

You get the idea. Anyone out there know how to help?