Any Ebay users?

This cracks me up as I have bought a ton of stuff on Ebay, and well I used to be a Backstreet fan… but if I ever run into Nick Carter on the street… anyway

thats awesome! :slight_smile:

LOL…Weird Al Yankovich is great :smiley:

lol thats so great!

Ethan: I think we need to go back to this Back Street thing, is there a 12 step program for you, are you seeking therapy? more importantly what do you think in you childhood allowed you to like them to begin with?=)

lmao, that’s class :smiley:

[SIZE=1]though, let’s be fair: N’Sync were the best boyband ever[/SIZE]

and well I used to be a Backstreet fan

Why do I beleive that ethan?

*Originally posted by Thinker2501 *
**Ethan: I think we need to go back to this Back Street thing, is there a 12 step program for you, are you seeking therapy? more importantly what do you think in you childhood allowed you to like them to begin with?=) **

Not seeking therapy. I totally got over them when NSYNC came on the seen.

As for Nick Carter, well we have a different opinion about a certain situation.

As for what led to my liking for boybands… I think it goes back to being really really good looking and wanting to hang out with other really good looking people and singing and stuff.

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**Why do I beleive that ethan? **

You might have seen me karaoke-ing some of their songs…

*Originally posted by EthanM *
**… I think it goes back to being really really good looking and wanting to hang out with other really good looking people and singing and stuff. **

… Hey, I’m all for diversity and stuff …
(village PPL)-> :cop: :nat: :sailor: :disco: :cowboy:

…but I just got this visual:

of you wetting your finger, touching your butt and making a sizzle-noise while smiling & winking naughtily …

arrrrg :scream:

of you wetting your finger, touching your butt and making a sizzle-noise while smiling & winking naughtily …

And did you like that?

I was more going for the visual of the scene from Zoolander where all the male models are hanging out talking about styling gel

*Originally posted by RelandR *
**…but I just got this visual:

of you wetting your finger, touching your butt and making a sizzle-noise while smiling & winking naughtily … **

No biggie, I get that from most of you guys :whistle:


*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**[SIZE=1]though, let’s be fair: N’Sync were the best boyband ever[/SIZE] **
I really do worry about you sometimes you know mate… :slight_smile:

“Don’t wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain’t no lie,
Baby Bye, bye, bye…”

Ooooo baby - how good are they? :mu:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**Ooooo baby - how good are they? :mu: **
Soooo many ways to answer that question… :wink:

Hey kit, New Kids on the Block - they were " the right stuff"

all this boy band wierdness aside

go to the regurge section in Shows and find the Backstreet boys parody - now thats class

at 3Mb to big to post

but the direct link

Justin, JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey

totally kick more *** than

Howie, Nick, AJ, Kevin and Brian

Backstreet never could dance. NYSYNC was the total boy band package. And how cute is it that Justins mom came up with their name?

*Originally posted by EthanM *
**Justin, JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey

totally kick more *** than

Howie, Nick, AJ, Kevin and Brian**
so true :love:

Chester Bennington, Mike Shinoda… :slight_smile:

Chester Bennington, Mike Shinoda…

though they are boybandish