I have a client who wants me to write him a webapp that will need to both send SMS messages and receive replies to the texts. Anyone know of a good company that offers this service for a reasonable price? I know you can send them via email (which is what I have always done in the past) but I don’t think that allows people to reply to the messages.
I’m pretty sure doing this kind of stuff requires a fair amount of money. If you want a shortcode it would be even more.
To do that you need an IP<—>GSM gateway.
You can pay to get one of **THES**E or [URL=“http://www.ozekisms.com/sms-gateway-sms-api-sms-sdk/index.php?owpn=193”]THIS (see the prices) and use it with an GSM modem or if you have a Server/PC under Linux you can do it for free (blessed penguin)…
You only need this app:
Alamin GSGC(Client)
Alamin Gateway** (Server)—>**[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][URL=“http://www.alamin.org/en/index.html”]Chek the FAQ’s[/COLOR]
and a simply mobile phone with GNOKII connected to your Linux Server/PC… The next step is programming your app…
Never tested it but that kind of apps are well-known in the telematics industry
Just as an aside, they can reply to the email based text messages. Good info though Loyx, thanks!
Loyx, thanks for the info. =)
Do you know if any I would encounter any problems with the phone companies if I was sending a couple of thousand texts per day via a GSM modem like that?
Dont worry, I dont think it so… In fact you r paying that SMS’s… and it’s good for the companies… xD
[quote=motionman95;2325337]If you use vb it’s easy. <----Link
Link 2 <—Link[/quote]
Hey the second link you posted is incredible… http://www.kannel.org/ Another opensource gsm<–>IP gateway… and still in development!
Thanx for the info!