Any Good Ideas Here?

Hey All,

I’ve been working on my web site but I am stuck on what I should do with the photo of the globe at night I have as my web site header (refer to link below).

I talked to one of the Kmods yesterday and he agrees it needs some interaction/animation.

I am working on the site intro but I am still stuck on this. (-:

Any bright ideas for it?

Referal URL:

i think the idea is pretty good. Just some of the lights flickering
would be a good start. It would at least add some life to it.


my honest suggestion, is to look for a new pic to replace that one.
unfortunately, it’s owned and copyrighted by NASA :-\

I was just thinking that…Or maybe you can make your own. Using ill and PS…should not be too hard…then do what unflux said…Also maybe add some radar blips or some travel line that mask in and out.

Hmm I can’t use the image because they have a copyright on it? I found the image on they were using it too.

Yeah that would be cool to add some lights maybe the space station (very small) fly around every minute or so.

DDD do you really think it would be possible to make that image in PS? Or even something else to it? That would be some hard core Photoshoping. But then again your DDD PS master. lol

Thanks maybe I can find another image or make one.

Yeah you could recreat this rather easily. But then again you can also enhance the photo and add all the stuff you were going to add. Then that should cover you. But you gotta do a bunch of enhancing. Me = Not a PS master. I learn something new almost everyday…but thx for the compliment

DDD = In my eyes better then me = PS master. :p:

Well hmm I don’t see how I personally could recreate that image, maybe using the line tool first to draw out the ends then the pencil for the lights (maybe I should do those in flash for more animations on each light).

Sounds like the next battle to me. :stuck_out_tongue: J/K

Is there going to be a logo or web site name on the screen? If so it should be very contrsting… like glowy and white and down in the bottom left to balance the image. I also see lights… like maybe make it look like you can either see city lights or something to make some contrasts happen and make things come more alive.

cool design so far.

Yeah the lights will be perfect I think it could really come to life with what you all have said.

DDD what would it take for you to recreate that image? A 6 pack of bud light maybe. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I could make the little lights myself and make them glow off and on.

I think the image should have some set lights itself so that only some blink and some stay the same.

Eef welcome to Kirupa and yes it will have a logo off to either the right or left bottom corner. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by datapimp *
**DDD what would it take for you to recreate that image? A 6 pack of bud light maybe. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you have Illus 10 you can use the trace tool then export your vector into PS…I cannot do it for you but I will provide help. I am really bogged down for time…I have like 6 logos and brochures to create…

wow your a busy man. lol

Well I don’t have Illus :frowning: I know about that nifty feature but again I don’t have it.

Maybe I will draw it myself with the line tool.

the line tool will work since it is not hella detailed you should be cool…or you can just alter the hell out of the image…add some glare and stuff…

lol yeah, hey does anyone else here have Illustrator? Maybe I could get it traced from someone who has it and then imported to photoshop. After that I could do everything else. :p:

Yo eef you have Illustrator?


actually the easiest way to do this would be to. Use you magic wand tool with a low tolerance (play with the setting). Click in the black area…That should put a marquee around the black part. Now do a invert selection cntrl,shift+1 I believe or look under selection. Now turn that selection to a path…I think that is also under selection…Or under the edit menu. Then you have your path to work with…fill it and stroke it…and you can alter the path by using the handles (direct select tool)

How about break it appart extract all the lights then write some sort of script that positions a mask over where the lights would be at any particular time of day so lights on during the day in UK then shifts across the atlantic and lights up 5 hours later on the east coast?


Yes Laslett I thought of that, then I got out of Senocular’s chair and thought real. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey DDD I did what you said and I got all the lines drawn so now I have a blank page with the lines on it and I got the BG just the same as the image, the problem now is making the land look real and not just a solid color/gradient.

*Originally posted by datapimp *
**Yes Laslett I thought of that, then I got out of Senocular’s chair and thought real. :stuck_out_tongue: **

Its not that difficult a concept.

Break a day down into seconds then position a mask or something like that dependant upon the number of seconds past midnight.

of course it will have to be a sinusoidal wave mask to compensate for the circular nature of the earth.

*Originally posted by Laslett *
**the circular nature of the earth **

the earth is circular, Take that man away and commit him to an institution The earth is round preposterous