Photomanip question (Photoshop/ILL)

I am going to be designed some shirts for a sports company and I have been given the concept of the earth and re-arranging the continents and making their logo as one of the continents on earth. If there are any photomanip folks out there please lend me a hand on how I can do this or if you have done it before how you went about it. If I find an example Ill post it.

I would suppose you could do it in Illustrator from scratch also. hhmmmmm. Any ideas welcome.


no not really since it will be put on shirts. But pretty close. Something a 4 color process can pull off without breaking the bank.

DDD - pm me their logo and I can play around with it. Wouldn’t take too long.

or are you more after the actual process?

either way I can help - but for now I have to go somewhere.

I’d rather know how to do it…or at least a skim through of the process. I have a slight idea and have been messing around with it but nothing good so far. But any help is better than no help. Let me get with my client and make sure they have all of their copyright and trademark stuff in place (no offense to you but gotta protect the clients you know how it goes). I also think they have a good image they want to use as the earth. I will PM you.

there are some tuts on shape manip in photos on i think. try there

have you got Illustrator CS? if so one way to do it is create a flat image of earth, just get a image, trace it and simplify it, then you can attach that as a texture to a 3d sphere in illustrator cs.

If you want it realistic, then i guess would need some nice manipulation, keep us updated with the pic that your going to use.

If you want the 3D effect, I wouldnt do the mapping through Ill. It can have some problems and can be pretty slow (not to be trusted I have found out). If you have some other 3D app, that could be the way to go - even if you dont know how to use it, it would probably take you no more than about 15 min - half an hour just to map an image onto a sphere once you get the image part of it done (in illustrator or PS or whatever). Or, even use a 3D filter in PS for that matter… then again, you can probably get by doing it the old fashioned way and making it look 3D yourself :wink:

serious :!:

the 3d tool is that slow? lol i havent tried it.

it can be, yeah, and it can throw some errors at you too if not just look incorrect… Ill make a quick example…

Now the quality isnt that good to begin with but it works well enough for simple things. Here is an example of a duplicated sphere made by revolving a half circle. The one on the right is the copy and I scaled it about a pixel (at 100% zoom - screen res) larger than the original that lay on the left. If you look at the bottom you can see where it screws up the rendering. If I attempt to scale it larger, maybe about 2-3 times bigger, on rare occasions I get popup errors that say something like [CANT]… lemme see if I can get another… Nope, not this time, but it’s happened in the past. Anywho, I just dont trust it as all :wink: It can be good for simple little effects though

thanks guys…Yeah sen I was thinking about doing it in max but even so I have to make the images to be mapped in PS or something. Which is proving to be a little difficult. Thanks guys.