i have a design in fireworks and have tried copy & pasting, importing (gifs, jpegs, and pngs), tried using the library panel and setting compression property, used the publish settings and increased jpg quality… even used actionscript to set the _quality = BEST thing…is there anything that i can do other than redrawing the whole thing in flash?
ok…here’s the link to the jpg with 100 quality…did jpeg so it wouldn’t be so hard on slower connections…
also it’s not the actual image because i took all the text off…my worst problem is the blue circles…but really the whole thing turns out to become blurry…
try using a gradient circle as the shadow instead of an effect drop shadow you may be able to hide some of the jaggies if that is what you are talking about. Other than that you can apply an alpha channel in PS to smooth out the circle. Did you export it as a .png32? Importing a source .png from fireworks is not the same as importing a exported .png32.
first of all thanks for the compliment…the design was my brothers and he only knows as of now how to do the stuff in fireworks…so i do the rest for him…hehe
well…hmm…maybe i need to post the whole thing like the finished product as a jpg and let you see the diff…ok?
WOW i have seen the diff…THANKS SOOOO MUCH… i’ll post the finished product when i get it done…ok? also when i imported it…it imported as a bitmap…is there anyway to keep the layers structure?
I dont think so if you dont want that blurry mess. Actually what I usually do is export each layer that I need to be separate as a png32 then reconstruct it in flash…but I am glad I could help ya.
well why i was asking was because that logo covers a panel and i don’t know how to get the transparent bg…unless that .png32 has a transparent bg? also here’s just the .png32s imported into flash published as a swf…
ooo just noticed that ie stretches the loading box to fit window when opening a swf…sorry yall…but the bigger one seems better on my res… link link2
yes png has transparent bgrd. plus you can make it a movie clip in flash the adjust its alpha a lil bit. with a lil manuevering it can b done…good luck looks like you are off to a good start
yeah…thanks soo much…if you need anything just give a hollar…ok? also i will try that with the transparency…i have always wanted to do flash and now i can do it with clarity…thanks all who replied here… :beam: :beam: :beam: :beam: :beam: :beam: