Got two major probs with my menu.Does anyone know what to do with this?
(see fla)
O.k so he is walking, if somewhat strangely, but he is doing two things I don’t want him to do:
- he walks although he should be standing still…and only walk when you move the mouse.
- he doesn’t stop underneath the buttons but just before and that doesn’t look right!
Any ideas anyone? I’m really stuck on this.:sen:
Thanks a bunch,
I’ve used this code for the sliding dude:
onClipEvent (load) {
xMove = _x;
easeSpeed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x += (xMove-_x)/easeSpeed;
and this for the actions frame:
easeSpeed = 5;
slider_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x += (xMove1-this._x)/easeSpeed;
button_1.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_1._x;
button_2.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_2._x;
button_3.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_3._x;
button_4.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_4._x;
and finally this for each button:
on (rollOver) {
slider.xMove = button_1._x;