Any ideas about my Sliding Dude?


Got two major probs with my menu.Does anyone know what to do with this?
(see fla)

O.k so he is walking, if somewhat strangely, but he is doing two things I don’t want him to do:

  1. he walks although he should be standing still…and only walk when you move the mouse.
  2. he doesn’t stop underneath the buttons but just before and that doesn’t look right!

Any ideas anyone? I’m really stuck on this.:sen:

Thanks a bunch,


I’ve used this code for the sliding dude:

onClipEvent (load) {
xMove = _x;
easeSpeed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x += (xMove-_x)/easeSpeed;

and this for the actions frame:

easeSpeed  = 5;
slider_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x += (xMove1-this._x)/easeSpeed;
button_1.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_1._x;
button_2.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_2._x;
button_3.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_3._x;
button_4.onPress = function() {
xMove = button_4._x;

and finally this for each button:

on  (rollOver)  {
slider.xMove = button_1._x;