Any ideas

I can’t find the video, but if you’ve seen it, copy that counter-strike lan video.

Get a group of guys together and set up a lan. Then get one guy to film it and just act like he’s filming some guy playing. Then all of a sudden, someone should stand up and yell, “HEY AKU, we got ourselves a cheater over here.” Then everybody should kinda echo that as a few people run over there. Then one guy should get the monitor and one guy should get the computer and walk outside. Then just slam them on the ground and watch them shatter. The most important part though, after it’s broken, someone has to pick up the power supply and say “the power supply will still work, won’t it?”.

LOL that video is killer. But u need to make it to some lame game that would never jsutify a PC smashing.

:sigh: LAN parties…

Have this ol’ box run windows and continuously run an ocean screensaver and put it behind a window or something.

lol thor.

have it be an mp3 server! just dump all your mp3’s onto that and you got a jukebox!

Do some testing… Overclock it till it blows into a mass of smouldering plastic and steel… Would be interesting to see how far you can take a 333… that’s what i’d do anyway

Steal parts from it. Strip the fans and heat sinks to cool your new computer down. I did that.


well the thing is that im nott too good or rather, im not brave enough to mess with my new comp cause thats the one i use for work, its a 2.4ghz 512 with a 60 g hd so im okay with it. i was ganna add another 256 and a nother 60g hd but if i can use atleast the hd on the old one and turn it into something useful then id be happy with that. u guys have any other good ideas.

do linux, i asked a kid who is not a member, he said that too.