sup ppls, i have an old computer. 333 proccesiing speed, 8 gigs i mean this thing is a cascket. lol anyways, i really dont wanna throw it awaay so with that said anyone have any good ideas as to what i can do with it???
Grow some plants in it.
Spray paint it gold and glue it to your ceiling!
donate it? i donno. maybe use it as a server. skratch taht upgrade it and serve off a it? paint it gold and glue it to your ceiling? throw it at the neighbors when you get pissed? theres s whole bunch of things!
Hey you stole my idea!!
Hang it up to your ceiling, glue your boss’s photo on it and get some boxing gloves! [size=1]The rest is obvious[/size]
Have a dog?
That would make a sweet chew-toy
I know! Save it and then in the year 2050 it’s an antique!
I’d turn it into a server… That’s what I’m doing with one of my older spare machines…
my friend and i had an old VCR, and it just broke one day, so we took a sledge hammer to it. it was alot like Office Space. I know your talking about a computer, but its the same idea. toss it out a window or something, and videotape it
to late said it. i want to do that with my old comp, BUT, it would be slow cause i am on cable not a high speed one.
install linux on it
Donate it to an organization for a tax break. We did that with our past 4 computers, it’s not bad of a tax break.
i stated that too lol.
Use it as a cup holder or door stopper.
a foot rest?
take it apart. There’s no better way to learn how to build a computer than by ripping one to shreds :). Plus, some of the parts on older computers are useful since they’re rare, like the big 8 1/2" floppy drives.
Test server, ****o storage, Router, i bet you could make a bong out of it, door stop, birthday pinyata…etc:beam:
Try to stick parts up your nose and become the terminator.
since you will never use it again really, i would suggest selling it (for like $25-50) to an older person who just wants to be able to get online, have email, and wordprocessing…a 333 penitum II is plenty fast enough for that (heck i was still using a 200 mhz pentium last year!)
if that doesn’t work, I would suggest throwing it out the window. we threw a monitor out the window (from the fifth floor) at my dorm…it sounded like a gunshot when it exploded on the concrete. the actual computer probably wouldn’t be quite as cool as a monitor (they’re charged with gases or something) but it would still be entertaining.