Looking to buy a used computer

I’m looking to buy a used computer. Something old and crappy that you have laying around your house that you never use.

nothing too special as far as specs go:

Pentium 2 >300 mHz
> 2GB HD

Just the tower, nothing else needed… Willing to pay $50-75. I know how much this stuff costs and how much you would actually get for selling the parts. $50 is more than reasonable for something like that. Will pay all shipping costs as well.

The only reason I am posting here is because I hate my local computer store and I don’t need the crap they are trying to sell me and I can’t find the older parts (like Pent 2, small HD) because no one sells them anymore. The smallest harddrive I can get is 30 and I don’t need 30 GB. Get my problem? I don’t want to pay $100 for a 30GB HD when I’m only going to use about 2 GB of the space…

Let me know if anyone is interested…

I have an old 450 without a HD, I’ll send you for the price of shipping it…


everything works? let me know how much the shipping cost would be and we can arrange payment. :slight_smile:

yes, everything works, I just pulled the hd to put in my newer Dell is all

I will look into shipping costs…

it is a mini tower, without a case as well…


awesome. Just what I need. I plan on using it for some random testing purposes, so it doesn’t have to be pretty.

Check? PayPal? MO? anything is good for me

anything works, not paypal tho. I hate them…

I’ll see if I can get to it today, if not tomorrow…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**anything works, not paypal tho. I hate them… **
I hate them too, but I had to start using them when I was buying some things off of e-bay. I’ll probably send you a check if thats ok. I hate dealing with Money Orders… My checks don’t bounce… the rest of my family tho, thats a different story…

edit: oh and whenever, no rush. :slight_smile:

cool, by the end of the weekend prob, at least I’ll have the info, if not the cash to send it out… (just paid rent, and now I’m broke for a couple days, until some lame client finally pays me)


I’m not using it, I already have almost the exact same machine set up as a print server…


yeah I’m actually going to try to get some network testing done with the two machines (once I get a HD). Firewall and just stuff that I haven’t gotten into yet…

I hear ya on the rent problem. Everytime I drop my check in that mailbox I shead a tear…

luckily, I am very good friends with my landlord, and she gives me a bit of a break.

my rent has actually gone down from when I moved in 3 1/2 years ago, by over $250 / month

It’s nice to have people appreciate you, for just being a nice tenant…

that is so rare.


oh do you happen to know what the motherboard is so I know what type of Hard drive to get?

I will take a look.

I know it is a PIII 450 Intel chipset…

it’s got 512 MB RAM as well




I also have a Celeron 1.8 w/256MB RAM
40 Gig hd
48x CD rom
XP home

purch 9/26/02, and never on the internet… barely used

that I would let go for around $400 US…


thats out of my price range… tempting, but I am broker than broke at the moment. :slight_smile: Thanks.

I figger’d as much, but I thought I would put it out there, just in case someone else needed a cheap machine…


my next purchase will actually be a used laptop… but that is a couple months off… it will help me with my school work… :wink: right… school work…

I also have one of those…

an 800 Mghz Dell laptop…

a decent little machine…

if you are still in the market, and I still have it, let me know…

they are all sitting in my ‘museum’ at the mo…


lol you don’t happen to have that Plasma rocket that Phil needs for his death star do you? He’s been looking for one for years…

I’ll let you know if I’m interested. Gotta see what I can get for the money I have. :slight_smile: Thanks…

nope, fresh out of plasma rockets…

I do have an old 9600 baud modem (that you put the handset into) if you want an antique…


when you are ready, make me an offer on the laptop…
