Any one owns Mac mini?

hello everybody,

I’m thinking of buying Mac mini, there are some good offers in ebay and the old thought of trying Mac is back again :slight_smile:

Has anyone here bought Mac mini, what do you think ?

I hope nokrev doesn’t see this thread…

I’m considering buying one too!
Can you make Flash, Photoshop and stuff run on it? (properly)?
Or should I go for an iMac right away?

yep, you can

good little units.

I heard its good for everything but gaming. I plan to pick one up this summer, probably the Macintel version once PS works properly on it.

What do you mean?

I’ve read somewhere that the Mac OS isn’t completely ready for the Macintels? What’s that about? 64bit or something?

Nah he’s talking about the new Intel chips that some Macs come with now.

At the moment, most apps for Macs arn’t compatible with the new Intel chips, so to run them you need to effectivly emulate them using something called Rosetta. Apparently most apps run fine under it, but won’t run nearly as well as they will when companies like Adobe and Macromedia release their shizzle for Intel processors.

Minis will run everything fine, they now come with Intel chips so they will be faster than one with a PowerPC processor anyway. As garyzero said, they arn’t too great for gaming, just a 64mb card so if you wanna play games, get an iMac.

On why Adobe hasn’t gone Universal Binary yet.

Don’t buy a mac mini now. Seriously. It’s really not worth the price even if it’s cheap(er). Wait a few weeks until Apple announces something new and it (might) be cheaper.

I own a first generation Mini, and I love it. I’ve used Photoshop and Illustrator (not Flash, though) on it for about a year before I got my MacBook.

About Photoshop and Rosetta… it’s really fast. On my Intel Mac it’s faster than on my old Mini (but then again… I went to four time the ram). It’s really, really good.

MTSoul: Why not get a new one now? They just updated it…

mac minis can be made into media pc’s, I think you can even run mythTv on it.

Yeah… but it works just as well as a main desktop computer…

I woulden’t buy a Mac at this time actually, not during the transition period (of processors that is).

A good time to buy one would be when all Macs are running Intel processors and all Apps have been made to run on the new ones. Apple will blatently bring out new Mac Minis and iMacs which will be awesome.