Any scrollpane gurus out there?

I am beating my head against the wall with this.

I have the scrollpane component on the stage with a movie clip loaded into it and working–no problems with that. However, I need to take it a step further. This is where the problem lies.

Inside the loaded movie clip I need to be able to toggle a hint balloon on and off from the main stage.

My snag comes, because it is not clear to me if or how I can instantize the MC that gets loaded into the component.

With my limited knowledge of flash, I don’t know how to access it any other way.

I am trying to find some actionscript to help me out, but I can’t seem to put my finger on it.

Can anybody give me any direction?

Can I assign an instance name to the MC that will be loaded?

Can I build this thing from scratch with ActionScript? My limited viewing of the scrollpane code I have found on the web is how to manipulate the default scrollpane component.

Any guidance would be helpful.

If you need a fla., let me know.
