Anybody using Adobe Flash CS3?

Got a short review of it? Sucks? Rocks? Somewhere in between? I tried the ‘Flash 9 Beta’, but it was a bit crippled with the help missing, and messed up file associations for Flash 8 ‘for me’, and has the Flash 8 UI, not the new Adobe UI.

I’m finally to the point in my little textured raycasting engine that I sort of need ‘real art’. I finally got the sprites working efficiently, and they’re full resolution native ones Z masked with the 3D background so they scale and go behind and in front of things as they should. Got the motion logic working so the frame rate of animation is consistent, and achieved a relatively high frame rate. Probably needs to be something other than a bunch of throbbing, red ovals bouncing around at random, though. I know I could port ‘Doom’ to AS3 readily if I so chose… but that’s not my goal unless somebody paid for it to be done.

It was all written in AS3 (Free Flex 2 SDK), and I could use Flash 8 to make sprites, but that would be… a bit cumbersome. For instance, it’d be nice to put some animation data and functional details in the Sprite/MovieClip code, and communicating with that code through a LocalConnection just doesn’t seem to be too convenient. I have need to ‘rotate’ sprites in 3D (multiple loops to select from, per heading), and I’d rather deal with that as a pre-packaged entity, instead of putting the grunt-work in the game logic where it will be clutter.

… Oh, they finally put up a trial download. Maybe I’ll just download that and try it myself.