Flash CS4 still nothing exciting

well since the departure of Macromedia - there is still nothing that can’t be done with the MX series.

object-based “tweened” animation is not as optimal as tweened key-frame animation. why? because the whole object / animation has to load instead of one key-frame at a time = no progressive loading. THis SUX. not usefull at all. __ I thought the goal was to free up objects? - like removing code in AS 3 - why now attach tweens to them? __ I’m not sure they know what they want to do.
(well i do really - that’s make flash like flex - that sucks. )

The 3d feature is a joke. your kidding me right?

AS 3 - can’t do anything new (you can do it all in AS 2 + you can code it 2 times faster). it’s ‘strict’ and more prone to error , and for what? It’s faster ? who the hell cares ? it’s graphics in “almost” all cases that slow things down, not code!

inverse kinematics might be the only cool thing they added.

I would have hoped that they have worked on server side intergration like remoting, loading external data faster and server side actionscript but… Still not the case…

Adobe is killing the one thing that makes Flash more powerful than Flex - the concept of progessive download and progressive execution…

two thumbs down