Anyone else think swift3d is a waste

i got v3 from a freind to £100 and i just can’t use it, i find it so difficult to do what i want it to do

I would’nt say it’s a waste at all. I happen to think its pretty fu*kin cool. Just takes a little practice!

yeah I wanted more :-
I mean, it has a lot of potential with its Flash output, but they f-ed the interface pretty good.

can can’t edit ****

i want to make a rubix cub that broke apart and then something comes out the cube but you can’t do nothing like that

i know some people that really like it, but others that really hate it. i personally havent really used it so i dont really know, i am more of a MAX guy, but if you fool around with it i am sure you will get a hang of it and be able to really do some good stuff.

I used V1, and V2, but didn’t buy V3…

Just couldn’t justify the time to learn the prog. I guess I couldn’t see myself making any money off of it (how I justify most of the software I buy).

I thought it was extremely unforgiving.



If you take the time to learn it, Swift can really work for you. Have a look at the Swift extreme site for some good examples.

The interface takes a while to get used to and the modelling tools are no where near as good as plasma or other 3D apps. I’ve got an older version of 3D studio max that I picked up pretty cheaply second hand, I export the more complex models as .3ds and import them into swift. In this respect you are only really limited by your creativity. I think swift 3D is a pretty good application.

hm, as you see in your example, the only effect that is really just makeable in swift was the rotating logo. And that effect is not that useful ;p

made it in photoshop and swift, it is a good program

Swift 3d is far from a waste of time. It has tremendous capabilities but as with any proggy you have to think outside of what is in the help files and tuts. It is great for logos and in some cases I have created things that were comparable to thing I had created in LW. If you have it learn more about it, it has liited modeling capabiities but there are a few work around to achieve things. Overall I say for the price every developer should have it in their tool box. Naturally it is not the tool of choice for everything but it is a great tool none the less.

i want to make a rubix cub that broke apart and then something comes out the cube but you can’t do nothing like that

Hey chris yes you can. It is a lil different. But it does have a timeline and objects what more do you need. As with any proggy you have to work at it. What you want to do would even be a task in max or LW. Sounds like you are a lil impatient. He rev you can make money off it…The 3d text you did in your last works would have been awesome in Swift. money earned right there.

Oh yeah there are better packages out there like plasma but plasma is 600 bucks. Swift also has plugins for max and lw which is another reason I bought it.


I understand the text thing. I rarely use that, and even then I have a couple other progs that do 3d text. I just don’t have that much call for 3d stuff, really…

My clients usually cater to the dial-up customer…


i tried swift3d v2 a while back with the trial, and it compared to actual 3d programs like maya and c4d, its incredibly simple to use.

the timeline and use of it is a tad difficult coming from flash, but for the money, you cant expect something glorious.