Anyone GET this POST

hi guys,

hope this is simple.

i have a .swf (amovie.swf) playing in a container on level 1 (level 0 is my “menu”)

when i click on a button in amovie.swf it loads a different movie (anothermovie.swf) into level 1, using loadmovienum (“anothermovie.swf”,1) this works fine.

(i know, i know…where is the quesiton…lol)


now i want to pass a variable (x) from amovie.swf to anothermovie.swf.
(to select a particular picture from an array in anothermovie.swf, dependand on which button is pressed in amovie.swf. my little picture array displays image[x] and associated data)

i thought i could just add a “post” to the end of the loadmovienum, but life just was never designed to be that simple.

no matter what value i give (x) in amovie, anothermovie just displays the same image and data (it is actually image[0], the first image in the array, thats a surprise eh!)


am i missing something in the “get” and “post” thing?
do i need to specify which variables i want to pass?
do i have to “get” the variable i want in anothermovie?
do i actually have a life away from this computer?

the answers to these and other questions can be found in the next reply to this thread (i hope)

thanx in adv

Gary_passing everything but var(x)_bydesign

You don’t need to pass the variable, actually. And how do you receive that variable anyway?

pom :cowboy:

wow, i got the kirupa king of answers on my little question.

here is what i want to do.

i have a photo album, it is a series of 21 thumbnails (which are buttons) on rollover a larger version is shown. all this is in a single swf.

what i want to do is add an on release for each thumbnail button which loads a different swf, containing details of the “thumbnail”. this second swf actually contains all the info (dynamically loaded) on pics in about 6 different photo albums. (it is actually a catalogue of china figurines)

in the “on release” i want to assign a variable (x for instance) which is used in the second swf to display the correct details about the figure. (the visitor can then either move back and forward through the figurine listing, buy it or go back to the photo album)

sorry but that is the easiest way i can explain.

from your comment, do i understand that if i assign (x) in my first swf, it will keep its value if i unload the swf and load a different swf?

if you r confused think how i feel! lol


You just gave me a headache, man :stuck_out_tongue:

If you don’t get an answer before, I’ll check this when I get back home in a couple of days.

pom :cowboy:

lol sorry and have a nice time away