Anyone know how this effect is done?

Anyone know how the trendy vector art being drawn out effect is done?


Yeah how do you do the masking so it looks like it’s being drawn rather than just masked over with a shape?

i’d have to guess that they do it frame by frame, which is rather difficult:(

aw man, that sux … anyone know of an easier way??


frame by frame animation is the only way to do the “drawing effect” as far as i know. i do mostly frame by frame animations so i’m kind of used to it. it’s not so bad. plus, if you are going to do frame by frame alot, i suggest getting an i-Pen. it’s basically a digital pen for drawing on the computer like tablet PCs.

use motion tweens!!
I adopt that you know what is that,
if not then you do not belonge in the flash world!!

A guy I know said theese effects are easiest done in reverse. You startout by drawing the finished “figure”. Then you do a frame by frame animation removing parts of the sketch. When thats all done you select all frames, right click one of the frames and choose “Reverse Frames”.


EDIT:A little language improvement…

@Mirandir … that sounds like it might not be a bad idea! (i’ll try it and let you know how it goes!)

Thanks! :thumb:

Check this thread:

I basically asked the same question about Handwriting (when you see it appear as if being written on stage) and found that it can either be done by frame-by-frame masking, or erasing.
Erasing seems better as the filesize is a Lot smaller.

Wait, that command exists !? Gah I’ve wasted so much time repositioning frames. :fight: