I have seen many, many Flash sites that have handwriting text that looks like they are actually writing it on the stage from left to right. I am wondering how this is done; is it masking? That would seem pretty hard to do. I can’t figure it out??
I am also in a fog as to how some sites achieve what appears to be a line that looks sorta like a Fuse that, as it zigs and zags all over the stage, a ‘tail’ sorta fades out behind it.
I have been trying to make these effects for 2 days and have decided that they must not be easy.
Any ideas or examples for either of those effects?
The easiest way to do the handwriting is to put the full signature in the first frame, then duplicate that, erase a little bit at the end and duplicate again. Keep going until you’ve finished, then reverse the frames. It takes a while but the results are very nice. There’s a few tutorials for this around, but I don’t know where off the top of my head.
I will begin immediatley and see how it comes out.
I have tried to ‘reverse frames’ before on tweens, but I usually end up losing them somehow!?! I’ll post my handwriting result if I can make it work.
Thanks to both of you for the quick replies!!
i prefer masking to erasing. just start adding bits of mask and then work your way 'till the end. no need to start reversing the frames and it is faster too.
yeah, but if we are talking about short texts it really aint an issue. you can also more easily emulate the handwriting speed/style when you dont have to think in a reverse way all the time.
I am trying both ways, first with the masking because I too couldn’t erase the text - but with that question now answered, I shall try erasing and reversing to compare the two.
I must say, this is tedious, but produces a good effect - also, it taught me a lot about masking!
However, it appears to work. The only problem is, with so many frames, there’s a glitch in the “T” I need to fix so it looks like i’ll need to edit everything from that point.
Attached is the masked version if anyone is interested.
Thank you all!
(Note: I was about to attach the FLA but it is 1.6M using masking!!! So here is the SWF.)
looks good in IE though - although I would recommend dotting the i and crossing the t at the same time as the next letter is being written instead of waiting until the end. Nice work though! :thumb: