Just follow my sig
Hey flatline,
Pretty cool site! Did you create those movies yourself? They are really good
Yes, I did everything myself. If not, I always mention it in the credits.
nice site! i’m downloading doom2 for a nostalgic review now, thank you.
Have you seen my own version of the game(pen-drawn)? www.geocities.com/nachotururu/mood.swf
Anyone who can read spanish should see this essay by a friend of mine, entitled “Sexual theory of Doom”
see you
nacho from nacho.vze.com
Sorry… I don’t know Spanish…
Is that article happen to be talking about why the Doom characters are only male?
You don’t know an English version?
ok, i’ll try to summarize:
Doom is based upon sexual frustration. Along the game we get bigger weapons/penises in order to kill the (male) monsters - read ‘compete against other men’. At the end of the level, instead of getting the girl, we start all over again, increasing addiction & frustration. And our favorite weapon, the shotgun, has a very curious way to reload, a clear reference to masturbation.
These are the main topics, more or less.
I’ll go and play a game now.
nacho from nacho.vze.com
:lol: : LOL! What a stupid topic! HAHAHAHA! :lol: :
think so? well, think about it the next time you play this macho game.
nacho from nacho.vze.com