There is little documentation but I found this tutorial:
<script type="text/javascript">
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { // this binds the
function() to the event window.onload
new Effect.SlideDown('menu', {queue: {position:'front', scope:
'myscopeone'} });
new Effect.SlideUp('menu', {queue: {position: 'end', scope:
'myscopetwo'} });
I am getting an error message on the last line.
What I am currently using that runs parallel and is using body onload unfortunately
<body onload="setCurrent(); Effect.SlideDown('one',{duration:2.0}); setTimeout('Effect.SlideUp(\'one\',{duration:2.0});', 11000); setTimeout('Effect.Appear(\'appear\',{duration:1.0});', 12000); return false;">
<div id="push">
<ul id="push_panel">
<li id="appear" style="display:none; font: normal small sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px;"></li><a href="#" style="color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size:7pt; font-face:Arial,Helevetica,Sans-serif; letter-spacing:0px; height: 5px;" onClick="Effect.toggle('one','slide', {duration:2.0}); return false;">Replay</a>
<li><a href="<A href=""><img">"><img src="kenwood_910x40.jpg" width="910" height="40" alt="" border="0"></a>
<div id="one" style="width=910px;text-align:right;display:none;">
<li id="expandable"><img src="kenwood_910x200.jpg" width="910" height="199" alt="" border="0"><a href="#" style="color:#00f; text-decoration:none; font-size:8pt; font-face:Arial,Helevetica,Sans-serif; letter-spacing:0px; height: 5px;" onclick="Effect.SlideUp('expandable','slide'); return false;" >Close</a></li>
I am trying to SlideDown a 910x200 panel on page load for an interval
of about 7 seconds, at which point I want the same element to slide up.
Easy enough but if I someone closes the panel with an
onClick before the SlideUp occurs it flickers at the point when the up
would have happened. I also want the user to be able to replay the SlideDown and I am currently using Effect.Appear so replay doesn’t become available until SlideUp completes. But if someone clicks close then the
replay (down) no longer works.
Does anyone want to speculate what I might try