Scriptaculous slide effect almost doing what I want

It slides down automatically thanks to <body onload=“setCurrent(); Effect.SlideDown(‘one’,{duration:2.0}); return false;”>

and this

function setCurrent() {
 var w = window.location.href;
 var n = document.getElementById("push");
 var l = n.getElementsByTagName("a");
 for(i=0;i<l.length;i++) {
  if(l*.href == w) {
   l*.className = "current";

On the page the slide is called like this:

  <div id="push"> 
  <h2 class="push">Scriptaculous Auto Slide Down</h2>  
  <ul id="push_panel">   
   <li><a href="#" onclick="Effect.toggle('one','slide'); return false;"><img src="banner910x40.gif" width="910" height="40" alt="" border="0" /></a>
    <div id="one" style="display:none;">
      <li id="expandable"><img src="kenwood_910x200.jpg" width="910" height="199" alt="" border="0"></li>

You can see it demoed here:[URL=“”]

The entire area enclosed between the HREF is toggle clickable to either slide up or down. I would also like it to be able slide up automatically after a few seconds duration

I am obviously tricking people with the close/replay buttons because the entire 910x40 GIF toggles the slide. Unfortunately I also need for this 910x40 and the 910x200 to be able to click through to a website.

I tryed putting a 910x40 SWF in the HREF and the SWF displays but the slide stops working, no slide but also no errors. I tried calling the SWF in the HREF as an HTML file but then you don’t even see the movie.

thoughts appreciated