I can’t think of anything to do a tutorial on. Oh wait…how about loading variables to update text. That seems useful. If anyone else has any ideas on a tutorial let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
Server Side Flash is the next step.\r\rpom 0]
And if you bought the book you were talking about, you’ll have plenty of ideas of tutorials, trust me.\r\rpom 0]
yeah, but i’m having some trouble and no one answered my question. I am having trouble loading variables from a database. I don’t know how to do it and I don’t think with an online host. Any ideas?
I have a bit of php to mysql info if you need it.\r\rbasicaly I have a php script which will grab all the variables from a mysql db and load them into flash, and then another that takes a form from flash and loads an entry into a mysql db.\r\rIt was for the guestbook.
yeah i tried with ASP. I was thinking of trying to use PHP but I am using Brinkster to host my website and it doesn’t support PHP, so I was trying ASP. The PHP hosts aren’t really what I am looking for. Brinkster was perfect until i found out that it didn’t support PHP. I will figure something out.
Should I do an XML tutorial or has that been done here?
do it!!
I would definitely love a comprehensive tutorial about loadVariables, loadVariablesNum, LoadVars and stuff… I don’t wanna dig the AS Dictionnary \r\rpom 0]
With school for this year out of the way (with the exception of the ACT next week and volunteering at the library) I have enough time to spend on Flash. These are some tutorials that I am considering working on:\r\rGame Tutorials\r        + Score\r        + Movement\rQuickTime and Flash\rCreating Feedback form! (if I find out how to create it first)\rCreating a Atomz.com Search field in Flash.\r\rIf there are any more you all have suggestions on, I’d be glad to put them up there!\r\rCheers!\rKirupa
I’m highly interested in XML and XML socket tutorials… just for the record.
it doesn’t really have to do with Flash, but I want to know how to set up a shopping cart and Credit Card checkout thing…
i would like a percentage preloader in flash mx…i found plenty with flash 5 but not many with flash mx…
This forum is amazing…i posted a question in the flash mx area and i received a reply within like 1minute!! keep up the good work!
Preloader: Check out the post “Preloaders re-re-revisted” In the “Best of Kirupa” section and use that code. Follow those instructions and it will work. Same code same steps…