
Hey, my name is Jared. I am a web designer and I am also in a band called Spherus. I’m tyring to create a flash site for my band but I can’t seem to figure out how to do this one thing. Go to When you hover over the circles, text appears on the right telling you what the link is. I really want to do something kinda like that for my band. If anyone could help, It’d be much appreciated.

You can do this simple steps, for instance you 2 buttons:

  1. Create 2 buttons and put instance name “button1” and “button2” respectively.
  2. Select the text tool and place a Dynamic text on the stage. Put a var name say, “caption”.
  3. create a new layer and on its frame, insert this code:
    [AS] button1.onRollOver= function() {
    caption = “Button 1”;
    button1.onPress= function() {
    caption = “Button 1”;

button1.onRollOut= function() {
caption = “”;

button2.onRollOver= function() {
caption = “Button 2”;
button2.onPress= function() {
caption = “Button 2”;

button2.onRollOut= function() {
caption = “”;

Have not tested it but it should work.
Hope it helps. :thumb:

Thanks, man. I’ll try it out in a sec.

there’s also a tutorial here. :wink:

Which tutorial is it? Could you link me to it?

the word here in the post above is the link… :-\

I have bad eyes, sorry.