The AP computer science exam is fast approching and I’m starting to prepare for it. This is the first year it will be in Java. Unfortunately my CompSci class is a major joke so only about 2 of 70 students pass it every year at my school. The rest all get 1’s. We don’t even take the AB exam we just take the A one. And my teacher is fricken out because we aren’t going to learn everything we are supposed to before we have to take the exam. So anyways I’m thinking about getting this study guide.
the reviews on say it is better then the barron’s one so I guess I’ll try it.
There is also that huge marine biology case study. has this huge 150 page documentation on it. Pretty frightening.
What are you covering right now in your class? We are just finishing arrays. Sad isn’t it. Over half way through year and we have just finished learning about arrays.
yeah i not soo sure about this exam
im also using BlueJ too
btw JCreator is a kick *** java writing program (better than blueJ i think).
yea soo there is no place that our class should be in we just have a book and we have to complete all the case studies as fast as we can
arrrays wasnt that like chapter 4?
and how can you not love java its almost like AS just an asload more demanding to folllowing it syntax =)
i am gonna take CS next year, i have been talking to the teacher, (aka “Head Techie”) and he was like what do you want to learn, and when i told him he thought it was the best idea and said he would change it a bit but would most likely use it. i was so physced cause we are gonna do php then java lol.
i think we use BlueJ tho…i dont have it cuase i dont write java, yet.
We’re currently on a project called ‘Polynomials’. We use a book called “Java Methods” by Litvin. I really haven’t started working on this project yet, but I know it won’t run well.
I don’t use BlueJ as much, JCreator has a better feel to it and on older machines, compiles a bit faster.
welll all in all we can all agree that we all hate
AP comp science right? ( lol i got 4 “all”'s in there).
and to responed to kirupa i belive that
the Physics B AP test is the hardest its like
60% fail rate nation wide. i passed it though =)
*Originally posted by Booyaka *
**yeah i not soo sure about this exam
im also using BlueJ too
btw JCreator is a kick *** java writing program (better than blueJ i think).
yea soo there is no place that our class should be in we just have a book and we have to complete all the case studies as fast as we can
arrrays wasnt that like chapter 4?
and how can you not love java its almost like AS just an asload more demanding to folllowing it syntax =) **
Yeah, arrays is chapter 6 in the book we are using (Java software solutions by lewis and loftus). Like I said our teacher is really bad and the students in the class just their homework from other classes every day.
*Originally posted by *
**i am gonna take CS next year, i have been talking to the teacher, (aka “Head Techie”) and he was like what do you want to learn, and when i told him he thought it was the best idea and said he would change it a bit but would most likely use it. i was so physced cause we are gonna do php then java lol.
i think we use BlueJ tho…i dont have it cuase i dont write java, yet. **
php? why in the world would you learn php in an AP computer science class? Unless its not AP and just some computer class that is called computer science. But if it is AP then I seriously dought you will learn any PHP in there.