This is friggin incredible why would Apple go on and do this type of stoopid $hit its no wonder they’re always on the verge of non existence :sigh:
still they’ve established themselves as the dominant legal music download people which with time could prove beneficial. They might not making any money out of it now…
I think m is right. This is probably a long term project, or at least they hope it is… :h:
you really think so?? i dont know anyone who actually pays for the music they download well maybe MAC users rotflmao
Even PC users use iTunes do get songs from Apple’s site :panda:
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Even PC users use iTunes do get songs from Apple’s site**
What good is a itunes,napster, kazaa or any other crappy appt to get mp3s when theres FTPS, MIRC and teh almighty BITTORRENT ahhahahahahhahahahahahhaha pay my @zz im paying the artists by going to concerts so tehy can make real profits not 2 dollar profits by purchasing CDs from the RIAA and they say we are
and they are the truly
I’m on a PC and I use iTunes yargh
first sucke… um person i know that uses it do you actaully pay for the msuic you download or do you jsut use it as a jukebox player???
I actually purchase the music. I use it for playing it as well.
Of course the iTunes downloads only comprise somewhere around 2% of my music collection. I had kazaa for 2+ years before iTunes came out.
The reason I have NO moral qualms about “stealing” music online through peer-to-peer file sharing. 11 cents to the artist, 53 to the record label… It’s retarded.
I’ll download my music illegally, and visit my favorite bands whenever they’re playing in concert - where the artists REALLY make their money. A place that’s more intimate, anyway, and much more fun than Tower Records, or any place like that.
I agree wiht badmagick… I go to concerts all the time… And that is where the artists really get their money…
Record companies give them a couple thousand a year… Advertising and concerts make them their millions…
I’ll buy a cd… Only if it’s really really good… But other than that… it’s concerts… And I’ve been to 5 weezer concerts so… I do my aprt in helping the feed.
*Originally posted by buddhamarz *
**I’ll buy a cd… Only if it’s really really good… But other than that… it’s concerts… And I’ve been to 5 weezer concerts so… I do my aprt in helping the feed. **
Oh yeah. I’ll get the CD if it’s a really good one, just to have the CD and the cover art/insert. You can’t get that from digital media, that’s for sure.
grimgrimgrimgrim … :sure:…
what are you - on a mission ?
your new word for the day is - “lossLeader”
…if you’d have actually read enough of it you’d see they stand to profit in associated sales but only “break even” on this bit (ergo, it is not really a loss) …
the crazy part here is not against apple but against the riaa
imo- the riaa should all be taken out back and shot :bad:
*Originally posted by RelandR *
imo- the riaa should all be taken out back and shot :bad: **
and then shot again just to make sure they stay dead :bad:
Apple were raving that they out performed the new Napster
You trying to tell me that a band will make more money out of doing a couple of gigs (where ticket prices have to cover rental of the venue + sercurity and other expenses) than they will out of selling a couple of million albums?
Robbie Williams Knebworth
3 days work
125000 people per day
£30 per ticket
ok take a bit off for venue and staff but that doesn’t include all the royalties from merchandise.
No wonder he was smiling.
4 album deal 80 million - 5-6 years to complete 4 albums
its one to ponder but there are the facts
11 million in 3 days
80 million in 6 years!
not bad for a few days work. few gigs are as big as that tho
*Originally posted by RelandR *
**grimgrimgrimgrim … :sure:…
what are you - on a mission ?
your new word for the day is - “lossLeader”
…if you’d have actually read enough of it you’d see they stand to profit in associated sales but only “break even” on this bit (ergo, it is not really a loss) …
the crazy part here is not against apple but against the riaa
imo- the riaa should all be taken out back and shot :bad: **
No my RR friend i just dont understand why they are complaining if they knew this right from the start to begin with, its like walking into certain death because no one can guarantee them succes the only people here makin money is the b@stards at the RIAA taking advantage of Apple a company that is trying to grow more in the field and abuse it now they dont only abuse us the consumer but now also companies take those b@stards to hell lets rebel and never buy another music cd again