Lawsuites have started and Earthlink is giving names…check the artical. sad sad day…
Lawsuites have started and Earthlink is giving names…check the artical. sad sad day…
Its just a laim scare tactic.
These cases will go all the way up to the supreme courts and will literally take years and years before a ruling could be issued.
Then will come the appeals process. It will be far too costly for the RIAA to drag this out.
however, if people did not have Gigs of music on their hard drives, and be extremely willing to promote music pirating, without ever even thinking about buying a CD, I doubt very seriously we would be having this convo…
I mean who need 1000’s of songs… I bet they don’t listen to 10% of them… a lot of it is just hording… wanting to see how much they can steal…
Then again, I am very against the file sharing progs…
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Its just a laim scare tactic.
These cases will go all the way up to the supreme courts and will literally take years and years before a ruling could be issued.
Then will come the appeals process. It will be far too costly for the RIAA to drag this out. **
Umm… The only way it can get to the Supreme Court is if it gets appealed… And I don’t think the RIAA will have a problem with cost since they have a legal team on salary.
I am partially with you rev. Some people are out of control with thier use of P2P progs. Some never even buy music. I have a strict personal policy to purchase music of artists I enjoy. I usually buy a couple of CD’s a month.
But if I hear a song on the radio that I kind of like, I am not going to drop the $15 on a CD that will most likely be a one hit wonder scenario. If I download a couple of the artists songs, I will certainly buy thier album.
It urkes me that CD range from 13-17 USD and cost less than three cents to print package and ship.
Barely any of that gets back to the artist.
That said, I dont download whole albums just to have them. I download songs that I kinda like to put on a mixed CD and only for the one tune.
BTW…what are you totally agains P2P man?
*Originally posted by TaylorTAP *
**Umm… The only way it can get to the Supreme Court is if it gets appealed… And I don’t think the RIAA will have a problem with cost since they have a legal team on salary. **
I am just saying its going to be a few years before any rulings are made.
We will see.
I agree with you Fester. Not only do I try to buy the CDs but I always go to the concerts and spend money where I can. I don’t believe in stealing from an artist (since I am one and I when ppl rip off my stuff). But there is something to say for Mp3’s because there would be sooo many bands out there that I never would had ever heard of if I couldn’t find the mp3’s.
i do that too fester. i hate paying 15 bucks for a cd that has like 45-50 minutes of songs (sometimes less) when im probably not going to listen to half the cd. its the same way with DVDs. you pay 25 bucks (sometimes 30-40) for this DVD that says Special Edition, loaded with extras, and all this crap on it, but you’re really only going to watch the special features once or twice, and the movie no more than once every so often. and the thing is, even though these items are overpriced, look how many people still buy them.
*Originally posted by TaylorTAP *
**I agree with you Fester. Not only do I try to buy the CDs but I always go to the concerts and spend money where I can. I don’t believe in stealing from an artist (since I am one and I when ppl rip off my stuff). But there is something to say for Mp3’s because there would be sooo many bands out there that I never would had ever heard of if I couldn’t find the mp3’s. **
Exactly :thumb:
having only 1 song on an “album” that is any good has been around for years… this is nothing new.
What is new, is the $15 price tag, when it actually costs the label less money to produce, than it did 30 years ago…
I can see your points on trying the music on for size…
However, most people who use a p2p program abuse the hell out of it. They have DVD’s, software, music… Most of which they will never see, or want to see/hear again, let alone go out and actually support the industry. That is why I don’t like p2p progs…
I also don’t like IM progs either, but that is for another thread.
****!!! i just hid all my files and disabled all my folder sharing. omg, imscared. i could goto jail for life with all the stuff i got
people should realize that some things like Kazaa and other P2P programs are too good to be true. doesnt it cross peoples minds when they are downloading a program or a lot of songs that there has to be a catch somewhere?
*Originally posted by Duane Dibley *
**having only 1 song on an “album” that is any good has been around for years… this is nothing new.
What is new, is the $15 price tag, when it actually costs the label less money to produce, than it did 30 years ago…
I can see your points on trying the music on for size…
However, most people who use a p2p program abuse the hell out of it. They have DVD’s, software, music… Most of which they will never see, or want to see/hear again, let alone go out and actually support the industry. That is why I don’t like p2p progs…
I also don’t like IM progs either, but that is for another thread.
Duane **
You must really hate me then because I have over 270Gigs of Warez, Movies, and Mp3s but I do most of my file-swapping @ LAN’s and stay away from P2P’s because they are soo corrupt and half the files are incomplete. But I make sure that I support the companies that I like. I still buy DVD’s and go to the movies regularly. A matter a fact I had X-Men 2 like a week before it came out but didn’t even watch it until I saw it in the theater because I didn’t want to ruin it. Also, my 17inch LCD doesn’t compare to my 43-inch HDTV with progressive scan and 5.1 surround sound.
*Originally posted by Replode *
**people should realize that some things like Kazaa and other P2P programs are too good to be true. doesnt it cross peoples minds when they are downloading a program or a lot of songs that there has to be a catch somewhere? **
that has always been my thoughts on the subject…
I’ll bet most doesn’t even listen to 10% of his stash… and then never even thinks about buying anything, because it is free…
Just because you can steal something, doesn’t make it right. If the smaller bands want to get their music out there, do the same things most of my friends do… make a bunch of CD’s, and give them away at shows… amazing how fast the music gets around, and the band comes out looking like champs for a couple hundred bux… everyone wins…
Why do you need that much stuff? How much do you actually use/listen to?
Excess in any form is still excess…
*Originally posted by Duane Dibley *
**that has always been my thoughts on the subject…
I’ll bet most doesn’t even listen to 10% of his stash… and then never even thinks about buying anything, because it is free…
Just because you can steal something, doesn’t make it right. If the smaller bands want to get their music out there, do the same things most of my friends do… make a bunch of CD’s, and give them away at shows… amazing how fast the music gets around, and the band comes out looking like champs for a couple hundred bux… everyone wins…
Duane **
I agree Duane…err Rev. If people did buy CDs of songs they did like, the music industry’s CD sales won’t be slumping. People would simply not buy the artists whose music they don’t like, and they would buy the music of the artists they DO like. Alas, the last half of the previous sentence isn’t followed up by most people.
From the looks of it, RIAA is going after the large file swappers - those who probably have an underground empire of sorts hehe. It’ll be far too expensive to go after everyone after all. RIAA isn’t doing anything bad or illegal - they are simply doing what is legally correct. People file-swap…err steal, so RIAA is legally bound to catch them.
270 Gigs of stolen merchandise…
if it were TV’s or Stereos, you would be able to be charged with a Felony… I fail to see why it is different with music, DVD’s and software…
Would you want someone to steal your work, so you get nothing whatsoever from it’s popularity, and the hard work you put in?
I seriously doubt it…
I like John C Dvorak’s views on this::
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