Apple Sued over Logo

Who knows about Beatles Apple Corp…? Did you :beam: ?

Anyways, Apple Comp. will win, they have more money and more rep :trout:

Well, yes, I have heard of the record company Apple… I didn’t realize he was referring to them, though. :trout:

Sweet. This gives me an idea. I am going to start a window washing company. And you will never guess what I am going to call it?

Windows. Oh yeah.

Apple developed their GUI around 1979, whereas Microsoft announced Windows around 1983.

Apple did threaten to sue other developers too. It’s just that the Microsoft ‘disagreement’ is high profile.

I wouldn’t say that Apple came up with the idea though. They were ‘influenced’ by Xerox. Just that they took that idea and developed it into what we know today. As far as I know my Sinclair Spectrum 48k didn’t have a GUI.

Regarding the Apple Corps and Apple Computer argument; it’s been going on for years. They had an agreement that Apple Computer wouldn’t become involved in the music industry. With the release of iTunes Music Store and the iPod it could be argued that they have become involved in the music industry, but it could also be argued that a consumer would have to be incredibly stupid to think that there is any conection between the two companies.

Apple Corps suing Apple Computer over the logo smacks of money making.

It all boils down to Politics… :stuck_out_tongue:

Apple was influenced by Xerox? :stuck_out_tongue:

From what I understand, they bought it! Am I wrong?


Well if apple broke the settlement then they should go down, KNOWONE IS ABOVE THE LAW !

LOL!! Oh man, this is hillarious… but to add to the thread I went on Lexis Nexis and found some article about it[br]
parties included for definition:: Geoffrey Vos QC, representing Apple Corps–
Mr. Vos represents the beatles company[br]

This is what happenned in court–

Mr. Vos]He said Mr Jobs wanted to use the mark apple'' for the Music Store[iTunes music store] but realised that the agreement prevented this. ...Computer was so keen to use a name with the word `apple’ in it as the name of the Music Store that shortly before it launched the Music Store, Computer approached Corps with a proposal to buy the mark ``Apple Records’’ for one million dollars.‘’

[VOS]He said the offer was rejected by Neil Aspinall, the Beatles former road manager,…

[br] …

Basically he is trying to argue that Apple COmputer company knowlingly used the logo to infringe on the rights of Music company and steal away from their business…

I apologize if the quotes seem out of context… but this is the best I can do without finding a link to the actually story…

:lol:people are soooo stiupid

You just know who’s next…