Apple Sued over Logo

probably the dumbest thing i’ve ever read

LONDON - A High Court judge is unlikely to rule before Easter in the legal fight between Apple Computer and the Beatles’ Apple Corps record label over the use of the apple logo.

Lawyers for both sides squared off in London’s High Court on Wednesday in the closing stages of the trial over the companies’ similar apple logos.

In one corner, Apple Corps Ltd.'s lawyer Geoffrey Vos said Apple Computer Inc. is a “Johnny-Come-Lately” that is attempting to steal the British company’s trademark and increasingly encroach on its territory.

In the other corner, Apple Computer lawyer Anthony Grabiner said the Cupertino, Calif.-based company is doing nothing wrong and music lovers are smart enough to tell the difference between the use of the apple logos.

The presiding judge, Edward Mann, reserved his judgment for an unnamed date, but added that it was unlikely to be before the Easter break.

The companies are tussling over a 15-year-old settlement in which each agreed not to tread on the other’s areas of business, ending previous lengthy litigation over the logos. Apple Corps uses a shiny green apple as its logo, while Apple Computer has a cartoon-like apple with a neat bite taken out…


C:-) :q:

The companies are tussling over a 15-year-old settlement in which each agreed not to tread on the other’s areas of business, ending previous lengthy litigation over the logos. Apple Corps uses a shiny green apple as its logo, while Apple Computer has a cartoon-like apple with a neat bite taken out…

well the original agreement was that Apple Computer Inc, was not allowed to go into the music business (as in start a label, i realise they have iTunes, but that is different)

but i dont know why they are complaining about the logo, like they said, any idiot can tell the difference between the two…

thats stupid I don’t see any comparisons between the logos.

Retarded? Yes. Will apple computer lose? Most likley. Please note something… A legal settlement was reached in 1990. iTunes has been out for a few years now. This is clearly a money making ploy from all those over zealous greedy bastards who run the world economy. Its all for money, and it completley irrelevant. British high court has also said that apple records should be thanking iTunes for its DRM that protects songs from piracy. This is as bad as the iPod made me deaf case.

lol :lol::lol:

This is pretty dumb indeed. The difference between the logos is so darn obvious

I didn’t realize it was about the logos… I thought it was just the name. :lol:

well done jeff.

I’m sueing anyone with a ‘D’ in their logo. :rolleyes:

Oh so apple is the ones with the “bitten off apple”… i always thought they had the green apple…


Seriously, wth? this world keeps amazing me with it illogical ways…


Who would possibly think that computer company would encroach on a record company? It’s like comparing apples and oranges :wink:

[QUOTE=λ]Who would possibly think that computer company would encroach on a record company? It’s like comparing apples and oranges ;)[/QUOTE]

They’ve sure got guts to sue Apple …

wtf :lol:

That post was only ever intented as a (bad) pun, although it did have some truth to it :wink:

this is dumb. i see the apple logo i KNOW its apples logo. I see that green apple on the record and i think its just a pic of an apple on a record. didnt know the apple corps existed till reading this post. oh well.

The computing world is full of daft things…i dont think anything tops apple sueing microsoft for using the Windows style interface that all operating systems use, claiming that they invented it first. Why did they not sue atari, commodore, spectrum, linux developers…? its all about money. m$ was the bigger fish.

Laughed myself silly yesterday when sending a Window Media Video through MSN messenger to a friend. Messenger refused, saying the wmv file was potentially harmful :smirk:

Well… i dont know exactely whats in the agreement they made 15 years ago… but if the agreement means that apple would not do anything in the music biz I think apple has crossed that line… But then i think its a bit dumb to sue apple for their logo… Apple violated an agreement… I would sue them for that

Are you serious?