As I have browsed on many personal sites in myspace friendster, etc.
I noticed that there are those music videos playing. And they’re Free. Are those legal?
Do the sites hosting the videos pay royalties to the artists, like Itunes and any other legal song download sites?
I have always wondered that!
I dont think they are legal because you just have to copy the code off a site like and then paste it onto your site, most work by taking the video off another site. I dont have one
Well the code has a //comment where it gives credit to the site you take it from thereby making it legal.
But these videos belong to the bands, and you have to get there permission from the band, and i doubt they did so must be illegal.
Well if a band’s video is on the internet then it means that the band has agreed for mass distribution.
A ripped off video has the channel’s logo from where it was ripped.
Many bands give out 1 free video and a coupla free MP3’s on their site with a new album release.
^People can record from the tv
If this stuff above is correct - then stopping illegal occurances (after letting people do it enough for it to be a problem) would work in the advantage of groups who would like to control or limit the stuff that can be on the net.
Thanks Guys! I’ve always wondered this. Am warning some friends now just in case:)
^PIRATE!!! :lol:
Hunh? What the hell was that supposed to mean?
basically, some people could write these things to hard drives, then play them back on the pc. or they could use a videocamera to record it then import it to the pc
But it would still have the channel’s logo on it or not? (The channel which was playing the video and where you record the video from!)
Now you dudes are confusing me!
If that’s your plot, you’d better read my sig!