He did speak in more detail…It all depends on your style, and your available cash flow…I think PC’s are the best value for the buck… However, I am not slamming Macs…
I used Macs in design school which were old and underpowered = pain :evil:
then again, a client of mine with a lot of $$ uses the tol G4 w/ 26" flat panel monitors… all I have to say is WOW! :o
but you do need to get off of the w98 kernel as soon as possible…
I think PC’s are the best value for the buck… However, I am not slamming Macs…
not to pick on you particularly, because I do this too, but Macs ARE PC’s. I understand that people still differenciate with that term, but these days it’s becoming less so. Unless you’ve worked on a G4 with 2 gigs of Ram, using OSX, you haven’t really experienced PC. The machine absolutely smokes. Hell the 2 gigs is just redundant. But my Fiance know’s how to make that machine sing like an angel. That’s her thing, her knowledge base. She designs 24 hours a day (yes in her sleep), she’s got no time for learning Unix, or even PC construction. So for her, with the cash she had it was definitely the way to go.
Really I like my set up the best. A local lan with a Mackin Mac, and a Descent PC.
of course with us the cost was divided.
The point though is that these days, it makes very little sense to make a distinction between PC’s and Macs because a Mac is a PC and can run everything that can run on Unix based systems pretty easily. There are some rumors that Macs do not perform well on 3D rendered stuff… but I haven’t really found that to be true yet. Vector graphics as far as I know are no problem on G4. Adobe Illustrator was practicaly marketed from a Mac standpoint. And 7.0 is a really nice program.
I forgot to ask Rev… who is that in your icon space? And I love the sig. Very sweetly done. I was trying to do a flag effect a bit back and failed miserably.
symantics, … I used the term “PC” to differentiate from Mac made systems and OS only, not as a definition. Of course a Mac is a Personal Computer. In relaxed conversation, I generally do not get too literal.
We are agreed, except on my verbage… I only speak from direct experience, not from what I’ve been told… =)
the brother of Arnold Judas Rimmer, otherwise known as Smeg-head, is quite a guy… best of the best, ready to “throw his wedding tackle in to a lions mouth while snapping his love spuds with a wet towel”
footer was done in a 3d prog, then broght into flash and messed with a bunch…
Lister is the last human alive, he is accompanied by something that evolved from the ship’s cat, a hen pecked mechanoid who loves to clean, and Rimmer, a hologramatic version of his old bunk mate.
Hilarious… and addictive…
footer… I am not happy with the lighting, I am still working on that end of it… :-\
ahh… I’ve been told many a time that I should watch Red Dwarf. Never find it anyplace I can watch it though. I don’t have any special cable. I thought maybe they would make a dvd collection for it, but I’m hardly prepared to pay that kind of price for something I’m unsure of. Sometimes British humor does it for me, other times it just completely turns me off. I’m never sure until I watch it for a while.
PBS? I feel like I’m stealing if I watch that because I know I’m not going to support it come fund raising time. Though I also am aware that I will probebly never buy a coke or a pair of nikes, so I guess I don’t really support other TV either.
and those guys will never let you alone if you give them money just once…
I’ve gotten beyond the guilt thing with them… I don’t watch because they don’t have commercials, I watch because the programming interests me… go ahead, put a sponsor on it… or not…