Hi guys, I’ve been reading this site for a while now but it’s only now that I have a problem that I turn to you guys in the forums for help… stupid unsociable me.
I’m new to ActionScript development, and I’ve been able to figure out pretty much everything on my own so far, but this particular problem really has me stumped. I’m totally at my wits end here, so maybe one of you smarty folks can help me out.
The following code is a stripped down version of what I’m trying to do with a game-type application. Basically I create some new movie clips, put them in an array, give them each unique attributes, and then refer to those attributes later in another function. When I do this, the attributes for ALL clips have all been set to the attributes of the last clip created! Which in this case means that all the moving elements have the same velocity, when really I want them each to have different ones.
BaseClip is just an already existing clip that I use as a base for the newly created clips.
var iDesiredClips = 4;
var Clips = new Array(iDesiredClips);
var bSpawnedClips = false;
BaseClip.Velocity = new Array(0, 0);
setInterval(MainGame, 15);
function MainGame()
if (!bSpawnedClips)
bSpawnedClips = true;
for (var i = 0; i < iDesiredClips; i++)
function SpawnClips()
for (var i = 0; i < iDesiredClips; i++)
BaseClip.duplicateMovieClip("clip"+i, i, BaseClip);
Clips* = _root["clip"+i];
Clips*.Velocity[0] = Math.random() * 5;
Clips*.Velocity[1] = Math.random() * 5;
trace("created " + Clips*._name + ": " + Clips*.Velocity[0] + ", " + Clips*.Velocity[1]);
function UpdateClips(Clip)
Clip._x += Clip.Velocity[0];
Clip._y += Clip.Velocity[1];
Thanks in advance, guys!