if someone could help me out and tell me what im doing wrong i’d appreciate it
what im trying to do is:
attach 4 mc’s, then create a blank mc called “mcClip” in each of the 4 attached mc’s
then the onRelease button is going to load an mc into mcClip
(hope that makes sense)
this is what i have
everything works except for the onRelease part
var mcLoad:Array = Array("", "mc1", "mc2", "mc3", "mc4");
var holder:Number = mcLoad.length;
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;
var currentXpos = 0;
var currentYpos = 0;
var squareWidth = 50;
var squareHeight = 50;
attachMovie("mc1", "new1", 1, {_x:xPos, _y:yPos});
xPosNew = this.new1._width+5;
yPosNew = this.new1._height+5;
attachMovie("mc2", "new2", 2, {_x:xPosNew, _y:yPos});
attachMovie("mc3", "new3", 3, {_x:xPos, _y:yPosNew});
attachMovie("mc4", "new4", 4, {_x:xPosNew, _y:yPosNew});
for(i=1; i<holder; i++){
this["new"+i].createEmptyMovieClip("mcClip", this.getNextHighestDepth());
trace(mcLoad*); // displays mc1,mc2,mc3,m4
this["new"+i].onRelease = function(){
this["new"+i].loadMovie(mcLoad* + ".swf", mcClip);
trace(mcLoad*); // displays undefined
thanks again