Array help

Hey Im trying to make an array that spawns enemys that follow different paths. On lines 71 and 72 i am trying to make the circle spawn at ap1 but i dont want to include the 1 because on line 92 and 93 i want to change the number everytime the circle reaches a certain destination. So the circle starts at wavepoint ap1 then moves on to ap2 then ap3 then when the second group is spawned they start on wavepoint bp1 etc.

Is there a way i can add 1 to the result on line 71,72,92,93?

 *  This Code Was Created By Walter Reid 2008
 *  If You've Found This Code Useful, Please Let Me Know.
 *  Visit My Site At
 // Params = Number, Health, Speed, Time between releases);
_root.waves = [[10, 40, 2.500000E+000, 2000,ap],
      [10, 70, 3.500000E+000, 5000,bp],
      [10, 110, 2.500000E+000, 200,cp],
      [10, 180, 2.500000E+000, 2000],
      [10, 250, 3.500000E+000, 5000],
      [1, 6000, 0.500000E+000, 5000]];
_root.wave = 0;               
_root.towerCount = 0;
_root.selectedTower = "";
_root.creepCount = 0;
_root.creepArray = [];
_root.creepLeaks = 0;
_root.explosionCount = 0;
_root.particleCount = 0;
_root.kills = 0;
function TowerInfo(tower)
    _root.selectedTower = tower;
    _root.ranger._x = tower._x;
    _root.ranger._y = tower._y;
    _root.ranger._width = tower.range * 2;
    _root.ranger._height = tower.range * 2;
function newLevel()
 _root.creepCount = 0;
    _root.creepArray = [];
  _root.inGameMessage("<b>Start Wave: " + _root.wave + "</b>");
    _root["spawnInterval" + _root.wave] = setInterval(_root, "spawn", _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][3],
                    _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][2],
                    _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][1]);
    _root["spawned" + _root.wave] = _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][0];
function spawn(level, creep, speed, health)
    if (_root["spawned" + _root.wave] == 0)
        clearInterval(_root["spawnInterval" + _root.wave]);
        --_root["spawned" + _root.wave];
  trace( _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][4]);
        _root[creep].duplicateMovieClip("c" + _root.creepCount, 1000 + _root.creepCount);
        c = _root["c" + _root.creepCount];
        _root.creepArray[_root.creepArray.length] = c;
****71 LINE c._x = _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][4]._x;
****72 LINE c._y = _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][4]._y;
        c.speed = speed;
        c.maxspeed = speed;
        c.targ = 2;
        c.rnd = random(10); = health;
  c.maxHealth = health;
  c.isDead = 0;
        c.onEnterFrame = function ()
            if ( <= 0)
            if (this.speed < this.maxspeed)
                this.speed = this.speed + 1.000000E-002;
            } // end if
******92 LINE   this.targX = _root["wp" + this.targ]._x - 5 + this.rnd;
*****93 LINE   this.targY = _root["wp" + this.targ]._y - 5 + this.rnd;
            this.dir = Math.atan2(this.targY - this._y, this.targX - this._x) * 180 / 3.141593E+000;
   // This is all new as it relates to rotation
   this.r = this.dir + Math.sin((getTimer() + this.rnd * 100) / 100) * 7;
            if (this.creep._rotation + 10 < this.r)
                this.creep._rotation = this.creep._rotation + 10;
            else if (this.creep._rotation - 10 > this.r)
                this.creep._rotation = this.creep._rotation - 10;
                this.creep._rotation = r;
            } // end else if
   this.rads = this.dir * 3.141593E+000 / 180;
            this._x = this._x + Math.cos(this.rads) * this.speed;
            this._y = this._y + Math.sin(this.rads) * this.speed;
            d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.targX, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.targY, 2));
            if (d < 5)
                if (this.targ > 8)
            } // end if
    } // end else if
} // End of the function
function Explosion(type, x, y)
    for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        duplicateMovieClip(_root[type + "_explosion"], "explosion" + _root.explosionCount, 4900 + _root.explosionCount);
        a = _root["explosion" + _root.explosionCount];
        a._x = x;
        a._y = y;
        a.rads = random(360);
        a.speed = (5 + random(20)) / 5;
        a._rotation = a.rads;
        a.onEnterFrame = function ()
            this._x = this._x + Math.cos(this.rads) * this.speed;
            this._y = this._y + Math.sin(this.rads) * this.speed;
            this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
            if (this.speed > 0.5)
                this.speed = this.speed - 0.5;
            if (this._alpha <= 0)
    if (_root.explosionCount > 100)
        _root.explosionCount = 0;
} // End of the function
function fire(from, to, speed, acc, maxspeed, projectile, damage)
    _root[projectile].duplicateMovieClip("p" + _root.particleCount, 2000 + _root.particleCount);
    r = _root["p" + _root.particleCount];
    r._x = from._x;
    r._y = from._y;
    r.targ = to;
    r.speed = speed;
    r.acc = acc;
    r.maxspeed = maxspeed;
    r.projectile = projectile;
 r.damage = damage;
    r.onEnterFrame = function ()
        if ("" + this.targ != "")
            this.targX = this.targ._x;
            this.targY = this.targ._y;
/*  else 
   Explosion(projectile, this._x, this._y);
        this.dir = Math.atan2(this.targY - this._y, this.targX - this._x) * 180 / 3.141593E+000;
        this._rotation = this.dir + 90;
        this.rads = this.dir * 3.141593E+000 / 180;
        this._x = this._x + Math.cos(this.rads) * this.speed;
        this._y = this._y + Math.sin(this.rads) * this.speed;
  if (this.speed < this.maxspeed)
            this.speed = this.speed + this.acc;
        d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.targX, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.targY, 2));
        if (d < 10)
            Explosion(projectile, this._x, this._y); = - this.damage;
   if ( <= 0)
    targ.isDead = 1;
        if (_root.particleCount > 50)
            _root.particleCount = 0;
} // End of the function
function kill(creep)
  _root.inGameMessage("Current Kills: " + _root.kills + " - Kills to End level: " + _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][0]);
 if (_root.kills >= _root.waves[_root.wave - 1][0]) {
  _root.kills = 0;
    creep.onEnterFrame = function ()
function leak(creep)
    creep._x = _root.wp0._x;
    creep._y = _root.wp0._y;
    creep.targ = 1;
function inGameMessage(n)
 _root.ingame_message.htmlText = n + "<br>" + _root.ingame_message.htmlText;
    _root.ingame_message.vPosition = _root.ingame_message.maxVPosition;
 _root.inGameMessage("Website: <b><u><a href=''></a></u></b>");
 _root.inGameMessage("Author: Walter Reid, 2008");