Loop trouble

Hey guys, I am having a bit of trouble creating enemies at random points on my map, I want them to be contained within a certain y-axis range, I have made this code and it randomly generates then overwrites endless instances of the enemy sprite within the range. HELP!


public function spawnbarb(event:Event):void
var rand:int = 350;

        for(var count:int = 0; count <= 2; count++)
            if(rand != barb.y)
                barb.x = 400;
            rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200 + 225);    //Learn how to generate a new random number each iteration of the loop.
            barb.y = rand;
            barb.name = "barb" + count;
            trace("barb.name = "+ barb.name);trace("rand = " + rand); trace ("barb.y = " + barb.y);
            else if(rand == barb.y)
                rand = rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 295 + 255);
                trace("rand in while = " + rand)