Array loop making me loopy

Hello – I know this should be simple, but I cannot figure it out. Please take a look at the attached file and point me in the right direction. Half of my navigation code works, but the arrow forward and back do not.

Thanks for any assistance given!!

You needed another variable to know which movie is the current one:)
I also added some enabling/disabling


Great start – The arrows continue to advance beyond 7 (the number of movies) so, the highlight and movie displayed get out of wack.

Scotty, can you recommend a great Actionscript book, or have you gained your knowledge via forums, tutorials and trial and error? I am very grateful for your help.

No problem, jbnb:thumb:

For a book search the forums, you’ll find some recommendations.
I’ve learned it by trial and error, especially on this great site=)


Oop … the back arrow does not work correctly. Maybe needs a if/then condition?

What doesn’t work?


When the arrows are selected the buttons highlight correctly, but the corresponding swf’s don’t play. Especially going down the sequence.