**art battle between 2 forums**

Check out this thread. How about a battle?

By the way I am dan4885.

NOTE: This is a friendly battle offered by a friend ‘jnicklo’ so don’t start any flame wars. This is all in fun, but I am hoping we win! :wink:

hell yeah…

this is kindof like Gangs of New York :stuck_out_tongue:

what kind of battle, i might be able to help a bit:)

sweet dan. is this BB vs KF? if so let me know what i can do.

but if its just between you and niklo then gj cause you can kill him.

btw we should do a forum vs froum gainst AC

sorry digitalosophy can’t draw to save his life, good luck though!

we have alot of kick ars artists here.

Electron geek
and countless others that i cant remember:)

Hi Guys,

That is a great idea!!

I would love to take part

I am in , should be fun!

they are going down!

a couple of newcomers like thx(forgot the numbers) and kikon, and koki have posted some really nice stuff also.

sorry if i mispelt any names.

im willing to help also.

ohh i wanna play

go danny boy make us proud :beam:

im in fighting for kirupaville. bring it on! :slight_smile:

hmmm…sounds like fun!!!

Dan - is this a joint effort, a colaboration (???) or assorted entries from different members of each forum ?

there doesn’t seem to be any rules or ideas for rules yet

…clueless minds wanna know…

they are waiting for a mod or BB to set it up.

i think kirupa should pick the team

i think it should just be a battle where any one person/group of people can submit their work. Then people vote on the best one. That lets you have many entries to choose from and people can work solo or only with people they like (aka no phil/david team :sure: .

I think I started the battle and I should set it up :wink:

I am a moderator and all, other mods can help set-up also! :thumb:

hahaha looks like its Kirupa vs ME.

Good luck :wink: