kirupa forum members that is.
is it possible to have a third party to do the voting?
i could care less. It wont be anyone from this forum.
I really dont want to represent Billy Bussey’s forum actually…
If we’re gonna do this, it will be organized and planned out.
I am not participating in this, and I am very interested in the outcome, but I do ask of one thing.
Does this really have to be <B>KF</B> vs <B>BB</B>
Im not too sure Kirupa or Billy would appreciate a battle being held in their names. After all, if this get’s messy (which I would hope not, we can all be mature and have fun here right!?), that really gives them a bad name.
I know I can’t speak for them, but if this is going to be a Forum vs Forum battle, I would think you would need permission from both forum owners to be able to initiate this battle.
I"m interested to see the out come of this too. Doesn’t look like i’ll have to join in though. Seems like there is more then enough. LIB does have a point about using the forum names. Good luck u guys make KF proud.:thumb:
That’s a nice idea. So what kind of battle is it ? Drawing 3d or what ?
I think we should do it as a open competition. Everyone can do something, and then we vote the best to show them.
I’m not the greatest with Photoshop, but if there’s anything arty I can do, I’d be willing to contribute.
i wonder…
we could always hold the voting at
but the problem is, we need 3rd party voting. As ahmed said.
but a majority of the peps at 28 are from Kirupa. we could try or
if its an art battle, teamphotoshop would probably be better.
It is an everything battle.
its kind of pointless when its me vs. a handful of Kirupa forum members…dont you think?
Might as well call it “Jnicklo vs. Kirupa forum members”
i suggest voting be helf at
they are a VERY nuetral forum and they’re pretty much the most friendly people I’ve ever come across on the web.
I’m not a mod and I want to take part…
I think this should be between me and jnicklo to make it fair.
yeah, our side is a bit lengthy…lol
sorry telekinesis… i’ll butt out
no its all good xxviii.
i’d just like to note that the numbers are in kirupa forum’s favor.
but I’ll battle you guys despite the odds.
Naw, it’s ok, I don’t think tele wants me in it.
haha, it’s probably just the thing that tele can handle it by himself so it looks even better when he wins
I have a feeling I will lose, but I am not a graphic artist like Joe, so I really don’t mind if I lose. He is a more skilled designer, hell I am 18 and stick to either scripting or animation.
If we are going to battle to your preference of graphics, which you and I both know you can beat me, then we will have two battles, one with flash and the other with graphics!