Dunno… But I saw the forth wallpaper here on kirupa. It was defanally not by this guy.
Here u go
Dunno… But I saw the forth wallpaper here on kirupa. It was defanally not by this guy.
Here u go
woah! that does look like faster’s but he did change some stuff on it!
What did he just say I can’t understand.
he said that fasterthanlight’s artwork was submitted by someone as their own on another forum.
What I mean is, what did the guy who posted fastre’s work say.
ohh lol i have no idea, id ont even know what language that is!
If he was saying he MADE those wallpapers then that is theft but if he said he only has it or somethin then maybe…
^the replies for that thread were in english and their replies seemed as if he made them
Theo let the cat out of the bag - and I don’t mean T-O (unless that’s the same person ).
There was only one english reply and it only said “nice” but I will agree the guy was passing those works as his. He was using images that seem to be related or similar in terms of techniques used.
I think that someone from that forum recognized faster’s work and posted a link to the kirupa forums.
Some of this is pretty understandable. I wish I could read the rest of the replies though.
Did I just see the word wannabe in that post?
I attempted a babel fish translation from Dutch to English, and got
“What wallpapers of me” :-/
edit: whether or not he claims it to be his, he has his domain name on it. that’s bad enough.
Markoz claims that he made it using a tutorial (a little later in the thread - his first post says they’re his).
The administrator (Rubix) says that it’s very similar and it’s ok if he uses tutorials, but he shouldn’t claim he made it.
Incidentally, Theo doesn’t think it’s very good.
I guess it’s all OK over there.
I was about to say that Faster made a tutorial on it, but I guess i was beat to it
It would be something like:
“Here are some of my wallpapers”
Whoa hey didnt know this existed…
yea i babel’d most of the second page… i dont really mind because
a) i DID make a tutorial shrug
b) Someone did the task of pointing out that he’s a fraud to everyone and thats all that matters to me :thumb:
However, DjDark said:
Dus kap met kinderachtig doen…
which means
Therefore cap with infantile do.
…Cap what the infantile do… .that kinda pissed me off, no respect for his elders :lol:
Actually it means “so quit that childish stuff”
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