Hey there…
I need a little assistance on this one I’m using the following code to load mutiple swf’s:
count = 0;
numMoviesToLoad = 5;
function loadNext () {
_root["loadcontainer"+count] = false;
if (count<numMoviesToLoad) {
var newName = "container"+count;
_root.container.duplicateMovieClip(newName, count);
loadMovie ("movie"+count+".swf", _root[newName]);
_root["load"+newName] = true;
The thing is, that I would like to integrate the following piece of code, so that my movies don’t get cached:
I hope you get the idea, off course it dossent have to be the exact same code, that’s just the only way I know of (to skip the cache)… If you got a better idea, then bring it on…
Any help would be nice…
Oh, and one last thing, is it possible to swapDepth the first loaded movie, so all the other movies will be loaded underneath it…? :geek: