AS assistance needed

Hey there…

I need a little assistance on this one :slight_smile: I’m using the following code to load mutiple swf’s:

count = 0;
numMoviesToLoad = 5;
function loadNext () {	
	_root["loadcontainer"+count] = false;;	
	if (count<numMoviesToLoad) {
	var newName = "container"+count;	
             _root.container.duplicateMovieClip(newName, count);
	loadMovie ("movie"+count+".swf", _root[newName]);	
	_root["load"+newName] = true;

The thing is, that I would like to integrate the following piece of code, so that my movies don’t get cached:


I hope you get the idea, off course it dossent have to be the exact same code, that’s just the only way I know of (to skip the cache)… If you got a better idea, then bring it on… :wink:

Any help would be nice… :slight_smile:

Oh, and one last thing, is it possible to swapDepth the first loaded movie, so all the other movies will be loaded underneath it…? :geek: