I have managed to create a method which changes the colour of a line
I now…need a seperate method which changes the thickness of the line, however whatever I try messes up
thanks for any ideas.
class SimpleDraw {
private var drawing_mc:MovieClip;
private var penDown:Boolean;
public function SimpleDraw(timeline:MovieClip, depth:Number) {
drawing_mc = timeline.createEmptyMovieClip("drawingClip"+depth, depth);
penDown = false;
drawing_mc.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);
** public function setColour(col:Number):Void {
// thickness, colour, alpha
drawing_mc.lineStyle(1, col, 100);
** [COLOR=red]public function setThick(l:Number):Void {
// thickness, colour, alpha
drawing_mc.lineStyle(l, c, 100);
public function onMouseDown():Void {
drawing_mc.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
penDown = true;
public function onMouseUp():Void {
//drawing_mc.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
penDown = false;
public function onMouseMove():Void {
// place stuff inside class function
if (penDown == true) {
drawing_mc.lineTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);