AS2.0 Platformer

I am working on a platformer in AS 2.0, using a modified script I found on another site. The problem is that:

  1. It requires MC scripting in at least 2 objects
  2. The hitTest function is buggy in any flash version after 6
    Character Script:
onClipEvent (load) {
xreset = _x;
left = 0;
yreset = _y;
fall = false;
_name = "circle";
jump = 0;
speed = 0;
jumpheight = 15;
maxfall = -54;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xmin = getBounds(_root).xMin;
xmax = getBounds(_root).xMax;
ymin = getBounds(_root).yMin;
ymax = getBounds(_root).yMax;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && fall == false && jump == undefined) {
fall = true;
jump = jumpheight;
if (jump<>undefined) {
if (jump>maxfall) {
_y -= jump;
_x += speed;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
if (speed<=10) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
if (speed>=-10) {
} else {
speed *= 0.95;
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
_x = xreset;
_y = yreset;
_root._x = Stage.width/2-_x; 
_root._y = Stage.height/2-_y;

and this is on the platform(s):

onClipEvent (load) {
activated = false;
down = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = Math.round(" "+Math.round(yMin);
xmin = getBounds(_root).xMin;
xmax = getBounds(_root).xMax;
ymin = getBounds(_root).yMin;
ymax = getBounds(_root).yMax;
if (>xMin &&<xMax &&<yMin) {
if (*2>yMin) { =; = undefined; = false;
activated = true;
if (Math.round(>Math.round(yMin)) {
if (hitTest( &&<xmin) { -=;
if (hitTest( &&>xmax) { +=;
if (hitTest( &&>ymax &&>-1) { = -1*(;
if (activated == true && not hitTest( && == undefined) { = 0;
activated = false;
if (hitTest( &&>ymin &&<>undefined &&<_y) { =; = undefined; = false;
activated = true;
if (>ymin &&<xMax &&>xMin &&<>undefined &&<_y) { =; = undefined; = false;
activated = true;

Any ideas what to modify for bug correction?

a good place to start would be to tell us what the bug is and what youve tried.

the bug is that the landing is jumpy if you set it to AS2.0 and flash8, which i need to add filters

bugs that appear only when exported in later versions of Flash are usually caused by failing to initialize your variables. Trace a bunch of your variables, see if there’s one that’s undefined or NaN that shouldn’t be.