I am working on a platformer in AS 2.0, using a modified script I found on another site. The problem is that:
- It requires MC scripting in at least 2 objects
- The hitTest function is buggy in any flash version after 6
Character Script:
onClipEvent (load) {
xreset = _x;
left = 0;
yreset = _y;
fall = false;
_name = "circle";
jump = 0;
speed = 0;
jumpheight = 15;
maxfall = -54;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xmin = getBounds(_root).xMin;
xmax = getBounds(_root).xMax;
ymin = getBounds(_root).yMin;
ymax = getBounds(_root).yMax;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && fall == false && jump == undefined) {
fall = true;
jump = jumpheight;
if (jump<>undefined) {
if (jump>maxfall) {
_y -= jump;
_x += speed;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
if (speed<=10) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
if (speed>=-10) {
} else {
speed *= 0.95;
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
_x = xreset;
_y = yreset;
_root._x = Stage.width/2-_x;
_root._y = Stage.height/2-_y;
and this is on the platform(s):
onClipEvent (load) {
activated = false;
down = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.report.text = Math.round(_root.circle.yMax)+" "+Math.round(yMin);
xmin = getBounds(_root).xMin;
xmax = getBounds(_root).xMax;
ymin = getBounds(_root).yMin;
ymax = getBounds(_root).yMax;
if (_root.circle.xMax>xMin && _root.circle.xMin<xMax && _root.circle.yMax<yMin) {
if (_root.circle.yMax-_root.circle.jump*2>yMin) {
_root.circle._y = ymin-_root.circle._height/2;
_root.circle.jump = undefined;
_root.circle.fall = false;
activated = true;
if (Math.round(_root.circle.yMax)>Math.round(yMin)) {
if (hitTest(_root.circle) && _root.circle.xmax<xmin) {
_root.circle._x -= _root.circle.speed;
if (hitTest(_root.circle) && _root.circle.xmin>xmax) {
_root.circle._x += _root.circle.speed;
if (hitTest(_root.circle) && _root.circle.ymin>ymax && _root.circle.jump>-1) {
_root.circle.jump = -1*(_root.circle.jump);
if (activated == true && not hitTest(_root.circle) && _root.circle.jump == undefined) {
_root.circle.jump = 0;
activated = false;
if (hitTest(_root.circle) && _root.circle.ymax>ymin && _root.circle.jump<>undefined && _root.circle._y<_y) {
_root.circle._y = ymin-_root.circle._height/2;
_root.circle.jump = undefined;
_root.circle.fall = false;
activated = true;
if (_root.circle.ymax-_root.circle.jump>ymin && _root.circle.xMin<xMax && _root.circle.xMax>xMin && _root.circle.jump<>undefined && _root.circle._y<_y) {
_root.circle._y = ymin-_root.circle._height/2;
_root.circle.jump = undefined;
_root.circle.fall = false;
activated = true;
Any ideas what to modify for bug correction?